I see, but my butler grants advantage on all reactions within a 5ft radius when performing the “Set Table Feat”, I know that applies to cordially invited enemies as well but the de-buff technically only says “applies to enemies” so I think that means he gets to roll a flat 20 but I will need a ruling from the DM.
Oh come on, if in real life I am sitting there and someone grabs my knife am I going to reach for the second knife I am well aware I do not have or will I reach for the obvious Fork? Honestly it’s more meta to force a loss from something My character would obviously know but I didn’t. DM!
Even match, The winner goes to the defender assuming lair advantage.
I see, but my butler grants advantage on all reactions within a 5ft radius when performing the “Set Table Feat”, I know that applies to cordially invited enemies as well but the de-buff technically only says “applies to enemies” so I think that means he gets to roll a flat 20 but I will need a ruling from the DM.
The fight would have been mine if it wasn’t for the meddling buttler, you only had one knife to steal.
No, No, No, it says right here you may use the Fork as an improvised weapon without your Dexterity modifier with disadvantage.
It wouldn’t be in character. I already went for the knife. Don’t want to meta game.
Oh come on, if in real life I am sitting there and someone grabs my knife am I going to reach for the second knife I am well aware I do not have or will I reach for the obvious Fork? Honestly it’s more meta to force a loss from something My character would obviously know but I didn’t. DM!