We’re a family of three with a 19 year old, so our cutlery drawer looks just like this unless we ask him to bring all the dishes from his room.
He’s 19 years old, and you have to ask him to bring his dirty dishes out from his room because he is leaving them all in there?
Dude I’m 38 soon and I have to bring dishes in from the WFH office once in a while. Watching some YouTube during lunch or whatever. Then back to working. Then family comes home and it’s up out of the chair to start dinner and whatnot, sometimes the dishes get forgotten and left behind.
Yeah, I can understand that. That’s normal. But a 19 year old eating alone in their room so much, and collecting all of the dishes in the household, so the family has none and has to actively seek them out and ask for them is what’s odd to me.
Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make it sound like that 19 year old isn’t poorly raised. They definitely are poorly raised. I just meant to say I’m not too far off myself. 😅
No worries, I think a lot of us have these periods in our lives where we neglect stuff like this at times. Just the 19 year old living at home and hoarding dirty dishes seems to hit different when they need to be asked to bring them out and they’re still living with their parents.
I’ve got 2 of everything just in case. Dirty dishes can’t pile up if they don’t exist.
You underestimate some of us
Knife should be on the left and the spoons on the right. Fite me.
You think I’m worried about fighting someone that has to reach over the gentry silverware to grab the knife?
My fork is pointier than the butter knives! I’ll stab you!
This is a valid argument and I’d hoped nobody would mention it. 😡
What if they are a lefty?
Even match, The winner goes to the defender assuming lair advantage.
I see, but my butler grants advantage on all reactions within a 5ft radius when performing the “Set Table Feat”, I know that applies to cordially invited enemies as well but the de-buff technically only says “applies to enemies” so I think that means he gets to roll a flat 20 but I will need a ruling from the DM.
The fight would have been mine if it wasn’t for the meddling buttler, you only had one knife to steal.
No, No, No, it says right here you may use the Fork as an improvised weapon without your Dexterity modifier with disadvantage.
It wouldn’t be in character. I already went for the knife. Don’t want to meta game.
Excuse me, it goes: Fork->Knife->Spoon->tea spoon.
I don’t know what this is but it’s certainly not in keeping with the lord’s way.
What the actual fuck!? The knives always go on the outside, far left or far right.
I think you’ve swapped knife and fork…
Right chopstick -> left chopstick -> porcelain soup spoon -> packets of unused plastic foldable forks that came with the instant noodles
Do chopsticks have an orientation?
Yes, but their orientation is none of your business.