A lot of people here are saying that the more genetically similar you are to somebody, the more attractive they are (so long as you don’t grow up with them). I’m here to tell you that those guys are completely wrong
Studies have shown that (in other animals unfortunately, not in humans) that the more genetically dissimilar two individuals are, the more attracted they are, so long as they can produce viable offspring (aka they can have kids)
This study would also be done on humans, but that would be slightly morally questionable
This is an evolutionary trait in order to incentivise us to increase the gene pool when possible. You can imagine what would happen if we only rucked our cousins (look at the royals)
Source: am biomed student
Oh man we did the Hapsburgs in my genetics class and it’s so fucking gross how closely related those incestuous fucks were. First cousins as closely related on a genetic level as siblings.
Edit: LOOK AT THIS UGLY FUCKER! Even better - these genetic monstrosities still have money.
I’m not comfortable condemning them for their crippling genetic disabilities (except where they perpetuate it), but they did do the majority of leading countries involved in WWI. And not only do these fucks still have money, they fund modern fascist movements and hateful propaganda as well as still being politically influential. The head of the family is an ambassador for the country his family took from superpower to “I could’ve sworn you were the kangaroo country”
I have zero sympathy for these folks - their genetic problems are wholly self induced and they are a literal cancer on this species.
Fuck 'em.
Nobody chooses the circumstances of their birth
Heh, second cousin is far enough.
That happened to a few of my cousins years ago. We were at a family function so I thought they would’ve put two and two together, but alas.
A few? Not just two??
Second cousins hardly matters. Even 1st cousins only increase the chance of anomaly by 3%. 2nd cousins is background noise. If you make each other happy, go for it and let anyone who complains enjoy their divorces.
This guy fucks cousins.
Second cousins.
3% chance it’s his first cousins
94% incorrect.