Child care costs for many U.S. families during peak inflation in 2022 ranged from $6,552 to $15,600 per child, comparable to rent, according to Labor Department data.
These high costs strained household budgets, disproportionately impacted women’s workforce participation, and fueled economic dissatisfaction among voters.
While Kamala Harris proposed policies to reduce child care costs, Donald Trump capitalized on broader economic grievances to expand his voter base, despite offering few specifics on addressing the issue.
Pandemic-era federal aid helped stabilize costs but left parents bearing much of the financial burden.
Small-l libertarian, classical liberal, minarchist, or maybe even an Ancap, I’m not quite sure, but whichever gets the government to go away and leave people alone to live their lives as they seem fit. All the parties today are trash, compromised by foreign interests, corporations, billionaires, grifters, or worse, and I want nothing to do with them.
What’s your plan for when the government isn’t there and your local warlords…i mean amazon service representatives come to your house and take all your shit or enslave you? Not like you’ll be able to call the police or anything since you don’t want government.
Or hell, whats your plan to get rid of your garbage when there is no government? Throw it into your neighbors yard?
The bears will take care of it.
Garbage, uhmm, you pay a monthly fee (about $30) and they take it away weekly, or if its burnable, it goes on the brush pile until the pile gets tall enough that you need a bigger tractor to pile it any higher.
Police… Definitely wouldn’t waste time calling them, the action would be over before they even finished their donuts.
Right. Greedy and callous and serving the corpos and billionaires you unconvincingly claim to oppose.
How does childcare benefit anyone but children and parents?
That’s literally what’s happening right now and the corporations are running amok, so this doesn’t work in the slightest