Do you keep everything in “downloads” or have file trees 100 folders deep?
It goes to the Desktop, when the Desktop is full I delete everything that looks unimportant 👍
thanks, I hate it
It’s a good way to do it.
100% of everything is on the desktop. No borders no boundaries to divide the working class programs against themselves
Before even looking, I could tell you were from .ml. Stand strong, comrade!
2tb external hard drive, and another 2tb drive that has a copy of everything.
If it’s important, or if you love your stuff, then always keep a backup.
I personally do three 5TB ext. drives, and only two drives may be at the same location at any given time. I’m also making sure only to use drives whose S.M.A.R.T. can be read without removing their enclosure.
Not sure who thought it’d be a good idea to make an external drive where S.M.A.R.T. cannot be read through whatever interface it uses.
I’m also making sure only to use drives whose S.M.A.R.T. can be read without removing their enclosure.
That’s a good call, which drives have you found that support this?
NAS. Most things sit in downloads indefinitely, and I’ll randomly decide the folder is gross and unmanageable and put things into appropriate folders. Usually Documents gets the most sub-categories, with various significant life docs sorted by category and year. Pictures gets random art I made in a folder, pictures, memes and funny shit, etc also get their own folders.
Media downloads go straight to the NAS where they’re organized by Format/Category/Series/Name. As in Video/Movies/John wick/John wick 1. TV gets a season level in there.
My PC has a secondary HDD that has my files. Movies, books, comics, TV shows, random stuff, etc. It’s more or less organized in their own folders.
Your question made me curious, so I counted: the subdirectories in my home directory reach a maximum of 26 levels deep.
You gotta up those numbers!
Everything Everywhere All at Once
- Well-organized set of frequently-used and recent files on my laptop
- Media and old documents on my NAS, synced to an external hard drive I can remove for travel
- Each device/non-backup drive/USB drive/SD card backed up to its own folder on a large external drive
- A duplicate of said drive from another manufacturer
- An archival copy of my documents and photos (encrypted on microSD ofc) that I carry with me
- Additional copy of the most important stuff on M-Discs
- Controlled mess on my laptop
- Dumping ground of random YT videos and CD rips on my NAS
- A well-curated external drive prepared in my pandemic free time
- An external drive with somewhat periodic backups of my devices alongside every unsorted file. I worry that some file paths have grown too long
- Duplicate of the two above on one large external drive
- Another external drive with files and backups of dubious usefulness that I refuse to delete
- An outdated copy of my documents and photos on an everyday carry microSD
- A stack of unused M-Discs
This is the one that hit home for me.
deleted by creator
I have an organised Documents folder, Pictures folder, Videos folder etc synced between my devices with Syncthing. Downloads is just for temporary things I download from the web, but I never delete anything from there, so it just builds up. I keep a backup on an external 2TB SSD
It’s a MESS right now.
My main computer has two partitions: Windows 10 LTSB and Windows 10 premium. I have to use Premium now due to NVidia’s drivers not working on LTSB for like… years. So I boot into my secondary, smaller partition. But I’m still installing games to my first partition. Also there’s some left over games from my LTSB install. I want to install LTSC IoT for longer support, but I’m lazy and all it does right now is play games.
So everything used to go to my 1TB HDD, but then I bought a second 4TB HDD, so now things go to that. And I back stuff up to my like, five 1-4GB external hard drives. Also there’s a Pi running OMV in the living room with a 5GH external, for media. That one’s kinda messed up right now, things are glitchy when I stream from it, so I need to reinstall everything.
Then my partner’s computer has a couple terabytes of SSD space and a single 4TB HDD. Much easier. P
At this point, with the sheer amount of data, I’ve structured things based on individual drives. All of my devices have the onboard SSD - I go for 1TB minimum. Call me old fashioned, but I still partition that one in two, one containing the Windows stuff and the essential 3rd party software, and a second partition which contains games, downloaded media, miscellaneous software, generally the stuff I use more frequently, but isn’t vital. It’s also where I store all downloads to keep the Windows partition clean and separate.
As for my external drives, I have one which I keep stuffed with game installs (2TB), and a second one which serves as my media library drive - music, movies, etc (1TB).
In terms of folder structures, I either use the default ones which come with Steam, for instance, or I keep it as simple as humanly possible (eg. Music > Artist > Album). Downloads are lumped in a single folder, wherein I may make subfolders for mass downloads of mods and such. Otherwise, Search & pray! With indexing turned off, because I like to hurt myself!
Edited to add sizes and: bought a second 2TB external which I plan on using as a back-up for my music library, some DRM-free games, and whatever movies may strike me as worth preserving.
- downloads clear themselves out after 30 days
- documents has all my projects and shit
- pictures/videos has my processed stuff
- larger (slower) hard drive has my raw video and photos
- desktop has nothing, I haven’t used desktop icons in 10 years
I have multiple folders of the form “desktop crap MM-DD-YY”
I wonder how common it is to make folders named “desktop crap” as I have several and some are over 20 years old