If you didn’t, how would you ever find the motivation to start?
The fact that I now know is the very reason why I no longer start.
Don’t tell those other suckers, though, or else nothing will ever get started.
been doing this long enough to not even care anymore, i find other motivation than “it’s be quick and easy”
lol right
It’s almost a productivity hack.
i use scotty’s 2:1 rule now: if i think it’s going take an entire sprint i automatically tell my managers that it’s either a story or an epic. if i’m sure that i only need the sprint, then it becomes a story; but if i’m not sure i can get done in a sprint, it becomes an epic.
We did it not because it was easy, but because we thought it would be easy.
This will be done in three months worst case.
I always multiply my estimates by 3