The world has a lot of different standards for a lot of things, but I have never heard of a place with the default screw thread direction being opposite.
So does each language have a fun mnemonic?
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I’m German, and I’ve never heard that before. I’d be seriously weirded out by someone saying that or teaching it to their kids
I have to admit that this is rather old. So old, in fact, that it does not refer to the Third Reich but the Kaiserreich.
That’s better but not that by much. A few years ago Germany raided some very rich and very well-armed wackos who wanted to bring back the Kaiserreich.
Just like a number of very rich and well armed wackos want to bring back Trump in the US.
I don’t think anyone thought it was about the third reich
Probably someone did. Not all English-speakers know about the first two, even though they’re implied by “third”.
I daresay that 99% of “English-speakers” never wasted a thought on why the Third Reich actually was the third.
And honestly, it could be that 90% wouldn’t know what the HRE was or who the Kaiser was once you told them. It’s just not a thing that comes up in the average life.
Yup this was me. I knew it was the third, but it never occurred to me to ask what the other 2 were
TBH I knew about the Kaiserreich, but I had to look up the first one myself. It was the Holy Roman Empire. (Which wasn’t really much of a reich, but the Nazis weren’t noted for their attention to historical accuracy)
Never underestimate the incompetence of people, especially in the US, with regards to history. Just look how they are basically trying to recreate Germany’s 1933 at the moment.
still mentioned twice in the thread. It‘s fucked up how often one would come across Germans casually throwing around Nazi language, looking for confirmation and when not receiving it claiming it’s just innocent fun. HiHiHi
Well, but is actually is not Nazi language in this case.