You parrot tired talking points by economists whose job is to run PR for the rich and then when challenged on it you say the also tired “not how this works” line. Go ahead and explain how it works then. Tell us all how consumers having more money to spend on more products and services is bad, but more money going into fewer hands is great for the economy.
only of you are larping “economist” bullshit that they push for their rent seeking owners.
prices should vary based on inputs however we live under the regime where they are set up to go up at a higher rate than the wages.
amazing how prices rarely go down even if inputs costs did like recently. money changer is always in middle to capture any of that efficiency
Prices going down is a bad thing. This is an extremely basic concept.
Oh yeah, I hate saving money. Saving money is a very bad thing.
Not how this works.
You parrot tired talking points by economists whose job is to run PR for the rich and then when challenged on it you say the also tired “not how this works” line. Go ahead and explain how it works then. Tell us all how consumers having more money to spend on more products and services is bad, but more money going into fewer hands is great for the economy.
If you’re going to be a troll, at least make it entertaining.
I’m not trolling; everything I said was both earnest and correct. You are just not worth my time or any subsequent reader of this thread’s time.