this animated cartoon “The Simpsons” is sometimes quite prophetic. Here, with this episode where they have to choose between two bad extraterrestrial candidates …
Voting third party being a waste isn’t someone’s opinion. It’s actual math. 3rd party candidates stand 0 chance in this system. I’d love them to. I believe the last (and possibly only) 3rd party to stand a chance was Teddy Rosevelt with the Bull Moose/ Progressive Party. That was 112 years ago. They merged with the Republicans in less than a decade.
Basically, voting 3rd party in this system is, in fact, throwing away your vote.
If you really want to try and change things, I’d focus on boosting up people in the Democratic Party that are pushing for election reforms, because theres no other way that a 3rd party will ever win
Basically, voting 3rd party in this system is, in fact, throwing away your vote.
If my preferred party gets more votes this year than they did four years ago, that is a good outcome. Gradually increasing the third-party turnout year over year is how we will chip away at the two-party system.
And if my vote helps my preferred party increase their vote, that is a good use of my vote.
this animated cartoon “The Simpsons” is sometimes quite prophetic. Here, with this episode where they have to choose between two bad extraterrestrial candidates …
And when somebody suggests voting third-party, they’re told: “Go ahead. Throw your vote away!”
As a result, the humans all end up enslaved because they didn’t want to vote third-party.
Voting third party being a waste isn’t someone’s opinion. It’s actual math. 3rd party candidates stand 0 chance in this system. I’d love them to. I believe the last (and possibly only) 3rd party to stand a chance was Teddy Rosevelt with the Bull Moose/ Progressive Party. That was 112 years ago. They merged with the Republicans in less than a decade.
Basically, voting 3rd party in this system is, in fact, throwing away your vote.
If you really want to try and change things, I’d focus on boosting up people in the Democratic Party that are pushing for election reforms, because theres no other way that a 3rd party will ever win
If my preferred party gets more votes this year than they did four years ago, that is a good outcome. Gradually increasing the third-party turnout year over year is how we will chip away at the two-party system.
And if my vote helps my preferred party increase their vote, that is a good use of my vote.
And Homer gloats “Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos”, not realizing that voting for Kodos instead of Kang makes no difference.
Season 8, Episode 1 - “Treehouse of Horror VII”