Meme transcription:
Panel 1: Bilbo Baggins ponders, “After all… why should I care about the difference between int and String?
Panel 2: Bilbo Baggins is revealed to be an API developer. He continues, “JSON is always String, anyways…”
To whoever does that, I hope that there is a special place in hell where they force you to do type safe API bindings for a JSON API, and every time you use the wrong type for a value, they cave your skull in.
Sincerely, a frustrated Rust dev
“Hey, it appears to be int most of the time except that one time it has letters.”
throws keyboard in trash
Rust has perfectly fine tools to deal with such issues, namely enums. Of course that cascades through every bit of related code and is a major pain.
Sadly it doesn’t fix the bad documentation problem. I often don’t care that a field is special and either give a string or number. This is fine.
What is not fine, and which should sentence you to eternal punishment, is to not clearly document it.
Don’t you love when you publish a crate, have tested it on thousands of returned objects, only for the first issue be “field is sometimes null/other type?”. You really start questioning everything about the API, and sometimes you’d rather parse it as
and call it a day.API is sitting there cackling like a mad scientist in a lightning storm.
True, and also true.
The worst thing is: you can’t even put an int in a json file. Only doubles. For most people that is fine, since a double can function as a 32 bit int. But not when you are using 64 bit identifiers or timestamps.
That’s an artifact of JavaScript, not JSON. The JSON spec states that numbers are a sequence of digits with up to one decimal point. Implementations are not obligated to decode numbers as floating point. Go will happily decode into a 64-bit int, or into an arbitrary precision number.
What that means is that you cannot rely on numbers in JSON. Just use strings.
Relax, it’s just JSON. If you wanted to not be stringly-typed, you’d have not used JSON.
(though to be fair, I hate it when people do bullshit types, but they got a point in that you ought to not use JSON in the first place if it matters)
As if I had a choice. Most of the time I’m only on the receiving end, not the sending end. I can’t just magically use something else when that something else doesn’t exist.
Heck, even when I’m on the sending end, I’d use JSON. Just not bullshit ones. It’s not complicated to only have static types, or having discriminant fields
You HAVE to. I am a Rust dev too and I’m telling you, if you don’t convert numbers to strings in json, browsers are going to overflow them and you will have incomprehensible bugs. Json can only be trusted when serde is used on both ends
This is understandable in that use case. But it’s not everyday that you deal with values in the range of overflows. So I mostly assumed this is fine in that use case.
Well, apart from float numbers and booleans, all other types can only be represented by a string in JSON. Date with timezone? String. BigNumber/Decimal? String. Enum? String. Everything is a string in JSON, so why bother?
I got nothing against other types. Just numbers/misleading types.
Although, enum variants shall have a label field for identification if they aren’t automatically inferable.
Well, the issue is that JSON is based on JS types, but other languages can interpret the values in different ways. For example, Rust can interpret a number as a 64 bit int, but JS will always interpret a number as a double. So you cannot rely on numbers to represent data correctly between systems you don’t control or systems written in different languages.
“1” + “1”
strings are in base two, got it
Wouldn’t the answer be “10” in that case?
yes, if I could do maths
1+1=11 means base 1
How so?
1 11 111 1111 11111 111111
That’s base 1. By convention, because it doesn’t really fit the pattern of positional number systems as far as I can tell, but it gets called that.
Oh, I get it, was reading as base 2 and confused by that. Essentially Roman numerals without all the fancy shortcuts.
Who calls it that? Who even uses that enough to have given it a name? Seems completely pointless…
That’s unary.
Strings are in base whatever roman numerals are.
These JSON memes got me feeing like some junior dev out there is upset because they haven’t read and understood the docs.
You guys have docs?
The code is my bible.
The schema is this SQL statement
Yes, I know the field isn’t nullable in the database. I’m asking you what you are sending me, jack——
(Directed at a colleague)
This isn’t even an issue of middle ware sometimes. It’s just… Knowing the DB. And I rather not spend time learning when you can just make docs
You guys can read?
Timing is about right for it to be a batch of newly minted CS grads getting into their first corporate jobs.
Comments? Comments? Who needs comments?
CBOR for life, down with JSON.
If there are no humans in the loop, sure, like for data transfer. But for, e.g., configuration files, i’d prefer a text-based solution instead of a binary one, JSON is a nice fit.
What, no! Use TOML or something for config files.
Interesting… me likes it.
Yaml is more human readable/editable, and it’s a superset of json!
Yaml is just arcane bullshit to actually write as a human. Nor is it intuitively clear how yaml serializes.
Until someone cannot tell the difference between tab and space when configuring or you miss one indentation. Seriously, whoever thinks indentation should have semantic meaning for computers should burn in hell. Indentation is for us, humans, not computers. You can write a JSON with or without indentation if you want. Also, use JSON5 to have comments and other good stuff for a config file.
Yaml is cancer.
What I’d like for a configuration language is a parser that can handle in-place editing while maintaining whitespace, comments, etc. That way, automatic updates don’t clobber stuff the user put there, or (alternatively) have sections of
.You need a parser that handles changes on its own while maintaining an internal representation. Something like XML DOM (though not necessarily that exact API). There’s a handful out there, but they’re not widespread, and not on every language.
Hell, no. If I wanted to save bytes, I’d use a binary format, or just fucking zip the JSON. Looking at a request-response pair and quickly understanding the transferred data is invaluable.
If you’re moving away from text formats, might as well use a proper serialisation tool like protobuf…
I’ll have you know all of my code is stringly typed.
All my binary code is stringy too.
Explicit types are just laziness, you should be catching exceptions anyways.
I do. I return an error.
It’s the API’s job to validate it either way. As it does that job, it may as well parse the string as an integer.
Pass in 04401…sorry 4401 is not a valid zip code. Rage.
Or even funnier: It gets parsed in octal, which does yield a valid zip code. Good luck finding that.
Well shit, my zip code starts with a 9.
I’m not sure if you’re getting it, so I’ll explain just in case.
In computer science a few conventions have emerged on how numbers should be interpreted, depending on how they start:
- decimal (the usual system with digits from 0 to 9): no prefix
- binary (digits 0 and 1): prefix
, so0b1001110
- octal (digits 0 through 7): prefix
, so0116
- hexadecimal (digits 0 through 9 and then A through E): prefix
, so0x8E
If your zip code starts with 9, it won’t be interpreted as octal. You’re fine.
Well, you’re right. I wasn’t getting it, but I’ve also never seen any piece of software that would treat a single leading zero as octal. That’s just a recipe for disaster, and it should use
to be unambiguous(I am a software engineer, but was assuming you meant it was hardcoded to parse as octal, not some weird auto-detect)
I’ve also never seen any piece of software that would treat a single leading zero as octal
I thought JavaScript did that, but it turns out it doesn’t. I thought Java did that, but it turns out it doesn’t. Python did it until version 2.7: C still does it:
Interesting that
in C does that. I’ve always explicitly passed in base 10 or 16, but I didn’t know it would auto-detect if you passed 0. TIL.
It’s been a long time, but I’m pretty sure C treats a leading zero as octal in source code. PHP and Node definitely do. Yes, it’s a bad convention. It’s much worse if that’s being done by a runtime function that parses user input, though. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that somewhere in the past, but no idea where. Doesn’t seem likely to be common.
PHP and Node definitely do.
Node doesn’t.
> parseInt('077') 77
- If the input string, with leading whitespace and possible +/- signs removed, begins with 0x or 0X (a zero, followed by lowercase or uppercase X), radix is assumed to be 16 and the rest of the string is parsed as a hexadecimal number.
- If the input string begins with any other value, the radix is 10 (decimal).
I refuse to validate data that comes from the backend I specifically develop against.
A string that represents types…
If a item can have different type, those label fields are actually quite useful. So I don’t see the problem
The comment section proves that xml is far superior to json