• FireRetardant@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    A driver’s impatience and eagerness to pass has always baffled me and in my area we really need better enforcement for agressive and dangerous passes (uphill, blind corners). The other day i was driving a large work van through a school zone just as all the kids are getting out. This other driver tailgated me, then blew past me in the oncoming lane as we passed the school. About 5 seconds later we were out of the school zone and i had caught up to the driver that was now stuck behind another car. This driver literally risked running over children to save maybe 5 seconds and be 1 car length ahead.

    In my opinion, they should have their car impounded, lisence suspended for a period of time, and have an agressive driving charge which conditions of losing their lisence forever if caught doing something similar again. Letting people continue to drive like that will eventually lead to injury or death.

    • Hawke@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Letting people continue to drive like that will eventually lead to injury or death.

      Not eventually; it does already, and frequently.

      We collectively just accept it as “the cost of doing business”. A deal with the devil if you ask me.