I (and many other PC gamers) will never buy a PS5 simply to play a sequel. I would sooner watch a let’s play or just not engage with it at all.
Yeah there are enough games in my backlog that I don’t mind waiting a year or two for the PC port.
Sony actively shooting themselves in the foot at every opportunity handed to them.
What is happening with companies? Why are they all racing to the bottom? And why is Nintendo leading that race by a long shot?
I think this has been there policy since the start. Why do you consider it shooing themselves in the foot?
It was fairly obvious, but at least now it’s spelled out. I for one can wait for the best version to release.
There’s not gonna be a PS7.
This is how it’s been so far right? I wouldn’t expect anything to change with a new co-CEO.
That’s a terrible business strategy, but more over it’s so insanely stupid to just come out and admit it