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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Silent Hill 2 is anything but jumpscare horror. Infact, it made me irrationally angry when the Legs got an added jumpscare sound when it gets up in the apartment room where you get the flashlight. Thats a Bloober thing, and they think that in order for something to be scary it needs a jumpscare sound. Like, Silent Hill 2 isn’t even really that scary, Its unsettling and anxiety inducing but not outright scary. Adding in jumpscares only serves as a cheap way to make someone jump, and actually undermines the emotion Silent Hill 2 tries to evoke in the player.

    Some of the rooms have completely changed layout for no real reason. Lots of things have been changed for no reason, really. Like character designs, voice acting style, etc.

    I agree with you and its something I have been saying from the beginning:

    Silent Hill 2 remake, or any remake for that matter, should either release with a port of the original bundled with the game, or be developed as a 1:1 recreation with any changes put forth as an optional mode. Some games might call this like “Original Mode” and “Remix Mode” etc. This way everyone is happy. Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence kinda did this with its “I like Metal Gear X!” question, which can change how the camera works (either the new mode or the classic mode) and some other stuff.

    Konami is basically replacing the original with this one, they’re not making it easy to access the original version. Because of this, the version theyre releasing is essentially a retcon. And players who love the original will absolutely not be happy about that, myself included. To me, its like they know the new version is worse than the original, so they purposefully make it really hard for players to directly compare it to the original version.

  • Nah, the Bungie developed Halo games were great. Literally ruled the world. Bungie lost their way when they started mistreating their own major employees (the reason the number 7 is so prevalent in Bungie stuff). Poisoned the watering hole.

    Joe Staten wrote out this whole world and plan for Destiny 1 and then Jason Jones scrapped it and Frankensteined it with his friends fantasy thing. And he locked Joe Staten out of the conversations about Destiny 1 after that. Joe Staten had written the Dreadnaught (which ended up in the Taken King expansion) as the end game area of the base game. That and what they did to Marty, you don’t do that without some serious internal problems.

  • I haven’t watched Wakanda Forever, but I am going to guess it is accused of being woke because it probably tries to push a political message or ideology and doesn’t do a very good job of weaving it into the story (very common for modern Disney). Looking at some of the complaints, it appears to have a similar problem to other modern Disney films, in which women are put on an elevated pedestal and men are left to be bumbling idiots completely incapable of basic human functions. This is the most common complaint I see in the reviews, but I don’t see any specific complaints that every character is black. I’m sure its possible some people might complain about it, though I doubt it is a significant portion of the complaints if I haven’t seen it mentioned in the 100 or so reviews I quickly skimmed through.

    I did watch Black Panther, but I don’t remember much about it. I remember the bad looking CG, and there being some points where I felt modern Disney’s political messaging was poorly written and “too obviously preaching to the audience,” for a lack of a better way to put it. Not because all the characters were black in the story that literally takes place in Africa. I do recall noticing that Disney chose only white actors to play all the villain roles in Black Panther, which normally wouldn’t have been a problem but in the context of modern Disney and when you have all the black people as “the good guys” and all the white people as “the bad guys,” that is probably going to be taken by a lot of people as political messaging. I didn’t have any issues with Chadwick, he was a good actor for the role of Black Panther IMO. I was sad to hear about his passing. I don’t recall being particularly irked by any other character than that one girl that was his science assistant (I think, I dont remember fully), but I also only watched the movie once in theaters when it came out. So it has been a while.

    That’s not to say people are incapable of being racist, but most of the time something isn’t called woke only because the entire cast is black, unless the story was supposed to have white characters that are suddenly black instead (like the live action Little Mermaid, for example). It needs some other context to be called woke other than just “the whole cast is black.”

  • It’s not woke if all the characters are black. Can you provide some examples of this?

    It can feel “woke” if the characters were white and are now black, or if the character’s skin color is paraded around as some virtue signal or trophy. If the skin color of a character breaks an already established rule of the story world (for example, black skinned dwarves or elves in Lord of the Rings), that can also contribute to a “woke” feeling. The established rules of the world or story should not bend around or break just to ensure a diverse skin color of every race in the story.

    Nobody complains about Mr. T in the A-Team, Denzel Washington as Robert McCall in The Equalizer, or Samuel L Jackson playing Mace Windu in Star Wars, because the color of their skin is not their only defining quality. They are well written and highly beloved characters that are important to their story, have equally as good acting and dialogue as the other characters in their stories, and are played by actors that are well qualified. Their characters feel like they were always meant to be there, and when they were written into their story, their skin color didn’t matter.

  • If you thought Forza Horizon 4 was bad, don’t even bother with NFS Unbound.

    The gameplay is literally:

    • Be subjected to the worst soundtrack imaginable, with so much cursing even I, who is an auto mechanic in real life, was looking for a way to turn it off

    • Click “Play” in a safehouse, and click an item on the map

    • Suffer as your character makes the most cringe inducing, horrible attempts at dialogue readoffs imagineable (seriously, I hate literally every character in the game, cept the old black mechanic guy, he’s alright)

    • Get trapped in your car the entire drive to whatever you clicked on with the other characters in your car so they can virtue signal and talk about how evil tech corps and evil politicians are ruining the city (which is hilarious because all these characters are illegal street racers that regularly cause millions of damage in the city and multiple fatalities each race)

    • Then when you finally get to actually race, the physics feel like they were designed for touchscreen controls, same feeling of every NFS game since NFS 2015

    All of this in the first hour.

    The game is really not enjoyable. Whoever is at EA that keeps approving that physics model and forcing their virtue signalling into the game, stop it. Please. Its tone deaf, and nobody cares because it is a racing game. Racing has nothing to do with all that garbage.

    The customization options aren’t even good. The only good thing about the game is the graphics and the fidelity of the sound effects. Thats it.

  • That may be true. I don’t play many games from China, not because of any reason its just the games that come from China usually don’t appeal to me. I mean sure, I am concerned about Chinese government spyware, but also I am not anyone that is important so them having my data is completely valueless. I have a lot of fun with Super Mecha Champions, but when I tried out Genshin I just stopped playing after the big controversy of Rosarias bust size getting nerfed and the ice area was added to the game. I just didn’t find the game much fun anymore, but it has made a massive amount of money.

    Wukong looks like a fun game though, I look forward to its release.

  • Consoles and Gaming PC parts (GPUs especially) are increasing in price at a time when people are struggling to pay their bills. $70 for new games now, or you can pay $120 every year, but you don’t own anything. I meanz, you also don’t own the $70 games either, but you extra don’t own games on a subscription service. Old games are there and fine, but in comparison to the current economy, where inflation around the globe is higher than it has been on average since video games were really a thing, new games are a very expensive hobby.

    Directly dollar for dollar, it may be comparable, but taking the economy into picture, games in the past were cheaper. Especially considering how much revenue video games generate now. Prices should be lower, but expected infinite business growth from shareholders is preventing that.

    Also who said Ferrari’s are designed for 20 year olds?

    Enzo Ferrari, the founder of Ferrari, did. He didn’t specify exactly 20 year olds, but his quote was “I build cars for young men that only rich old men can afford.” Or something similar to that effect, as the quote would have been originally in italian.