On this spot, on April 27, 2024, the internet functioned acceptably. The details of this historic moment are described below:
Two strangers narrowly evaded having a flame war, but cool heads prevailed. Strongly-vested yet differing opinions were discussed, and no argument resulted. An extremely improbable event (n=0.00000234242069), both conversationalists walked away with a moderate degree of happiness, and no further discussion was had.
You too!
On this spot, on April 27, 2024, the internet functioned acceptably. The details of this historic moment are described below:
Two strangers narrowly evaded having a flame war, but cool heads prevailed. Strongly-vested yet differing opinions were discussed, and no argument resulted. An extremely improbable event (n=0.00000234242069), both conversationalists walked away with a moderate degree of happiness, and no further discussion was had.
Dude that’s hilarious. You right though.