• Otakulad@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    If you believe the previous presidents you listed were as narcissistic as Trump, I do t know what to say.

    Also, Republicans have reshaped this country in a worst way. Democrats are weaker, but that is only because they don’t stoop to the same level as Republicans do when it comes to politics. Dems actually try to work together, Republicans say do what I want or else. Do you remember at all the previous government shutdowns? All due to Republicans not willing to compromise. Then they do a big show saying it’s all Democrats fault.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      If you believe the previous presidents you listed were as narcissistic as Trump, I do t know what to say.

      Show me so much as a candidate in the last forty years who isn’t dripping with narcissism.

      Also, Republicans have reshaped this country in a worst way.

      Whether it was the Bankruptcy Bill of 2005 or the Graham-Leach-Biley of 1998 or SESTA/FOSTA in 2018 or the repeated extensions and reauthorizations of the 2001 Patriot Act, the Reagan and Bush tax cuts, or the endless wars in the Middle East, you can consistently find a large cadre of Democrats (often with Joe Biden himself at their head) paving the way for these ultra-conservative legislative changes.

      All due to Republicans not willing to compromise.

      In 2016, Mitch McConnell dragged out the nomination of Judge Antonin Scalia’s replacement for a full ten months.

      In 2020, Democrats couldn’t stall the nomination of ACB as the replacement for RBG for three months.

      I only wish the problem was Republicans being unwilling to compromise. Far too often, they simply play the face to policies Democrats appear more than willing to support.