… At this time, the most widely used languages that meet all three properties are C and C++, which are not memory safe programming languages. Rust, one example of a memory safe programming language, has the three requisite properties above, but has not yet been proven in space systems. …

  • SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Please feel free to reread my initial comment, in which I refer to the US government in general, which would encompass both the SSA and the White House.

    • Rustmilian@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Your point is void as the US government is not a single massive entity you can generalize. They’re are a plethora of different, separated branches, departments and offices each operating independently with their own unique functions, values, regulations, practices, etc.

      All you’ve done here is presented a hyper-generalized claim as if all of the government enforces and endorses this practices while providing a single cherry picked counterexample without even knowing the actual reason why they use this practice to begin with or providing evidence of them endorsing the practice despite me asking you to do so.

      The fact of the matter is the vast majority of US government entities do not have any such practice and there’s no evidence of your provided counterexample actually endorsing others to do the same let alone any other branches or departments. If you have evidence, I again ask you to provide it.

      Metaphorically speaking, this is like judging a library’s entire collection based on a single book. Just as a library houses a multitude of books with different themes and purposes, the government comprises diverse entities with unique practices and reasons for their operational procedures. Making sweeping generalizations without considering the individual nuances of each entity is like judging an entire library by a single book on its shelf.