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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t really understand how that’s YouTube’s fault. They created a good product so people used it and there were no alternatives when it got shit. There’s no lock in. They don’t force you off the platform if you post elsewhere (like twitch did). You can literally post the same video to as many platforms as you want. Sites like Instagram and GitHub have more lock in than YouTube does.

  • What I mean by that is that Python tooling is terrible. There’s five different ways to do everything, which you have to decide between, and in the end, they all have weird limitations (which is probably why four others exist).

    There’s actually at least 15 different ways (the fifteenth one is called rye and it’s where I got that article from). And yes your entire post is super accurate. The pycharm thing is ridiculous too because RubyMine is excellent in comparison. You just pull in a library with Ruby’s excellent (singular) package manager, and then RubyMine is able to autocomplete it pretty much perfectly. PyCharm can’t even manage to figure out that you added a new dependency to whatever flavor of the week package manager you’re using this time.

  • That dude is just slow and doesn’t understand his tools. I have several thousand tabs open and it takes all of half a second to jump to any one of them. FF allows you to search open tabs just by using the address bar. Let’s say you’re researching camera lenses and you have 5 youtube videos open, several forum posts, the lens maker’s website open, and a bunch of different sales websites like adorama and b&h open. Do you literally bookmark those and close them all to end your day and then just reopen them the next? Why not just leave them open. FF handles it fine.

  • I don’t really understand how bookmarks would help. Like, let’s imagine you’re in your office doing research and your office happens to be the Library of Congress. You have a bunch of books with different references open on the table. You need to go to sleep. Is it easier to write down every single page you have bookmarked and put it on a piece of paper on the table, then close all the books put them back on the shelf, go to sleep, wake up, and then take all the books back off of the shelf, reference your paper, and open every book again back to those pages to continue working? I very much doubt so. Bookmarks are one of the worst inventions of the browser honestly. They do not accomplish anything they mean to. I use bookmarks for one thing. Pages I visit daily and don’t need to remember context in. e.g. github repos. And then I use vimium to navigate to them with fuzzy search. Working projects always stay open and I use Sidebery to maintain groupings.