To be clear, he doesn’t want to marry his daughter. He wants to fuck her.
I am Stine. Comfort the afflicted. Afflict the comfortable. High School Wrestler™. Can usually correctly use the past tense in French. Suffers from clinical depression. on Mastodon.
To be clear, he doesn’t want to marry his daughter. He wants to fuck her.
I made it through. My degree is actually in math. 15 years ago, I used to know what an abelian group is!
We were on quarters, so we had calc 1-4. Makes sense that Calc 2 was rough if you were on semesters.
Where I’m from Calc 2 is integrals. That wasn’t so terrible. It was Calc 3 (vectors and series) that was the hard one.
Someone who repackages/patches free software has different incentives than upstream. So generally speaking, derivative browsers are more privacy friendly, have better features, etc.
That’s not to say that upstream isn’t important. It absolutely is! It’s just that derivatives are generally better.
Yeah going to the grocery store was a 40 minute round trip growing up. You go there and buy as much as you can so you don’t have to go again for two more weeks. Having a train will not be suitable for this type of trip.
I also have a Nebula subscription and recommend it as well. $60/yr or a $300 lifetime subscription.
Bibi on ice!
Mudvayne, perhaps. I haven’t been involved in that scene for a long time, but it’s what comes to mind.
Same with Trump!
Let’s be clear. Republican judges.
This will help you a bit to answer your own question: You can play with scenarios there.
how much does she have to win by to flip the electoral college to her side?
This misunderstands how our elections work. If you win a state by one vote (offer not valid in Nebraska and Maine), you get all that state’s electoral votes. If you flip several thousand votes in a few states, Trump wins the 2020 election even though Biden had around 7,000,000 more in the popular vote total. Also, if you’re from the UK, Americans are a little idiosyncratic in their voting. A good deal of people do the equivalent of voting for a Tory even if they wanted Labour in power. It’s called vote splitting, and it’s generally a terrible idea.
I hate when people say “rezourceful” instead of “resourceful.” Also I don’t care if it’s spelled “pronunciation”, I will spell it “pronounciation” and say it the same way. You don’t “pronunce” words, you “pronounce” them.
I don’t like that in UK English, they say people are “at hospital” and “he went to ground.” No, he’s at “a/the hospital” and he went to “the ground.” Pace is not something you have, it’s something you set. Collective singular nouns take a singular verb. Manchester City is, not Manchester City are.
I met a man from France who said that the French spoken in Montréal is “real French.” I was pretty shocked to hear that.
Taco Bell most likely.
Sent this to my wife and we talked a bit about how I don’t like lights on.
I realized that even when I’m home alone at night (and not taking care so that she doesn’t wake up), I will use the flashlight/torch on my cell phone rather than turn on lights in the house.
This is great because my wife will jokingly call me a pussy if I make more than one trip for anything.
The graphs if you’re talking about the economy as a whole.
That’s some catch, that catch 22.
I had a disc-based MP3 player. The looks on my friends faces when I had 150 songs on my discman and they had 12.