I would expect to see this kind of article in 2019 prior to the launch of WoW Classic, not now in October 2023. Classic has had the same mindset that’s pervasive in retail from the very beginning. Everyone rushed straight to 60 and promptly began raidlogging to preserve their precious world buffs. Parsing and speed running in raids was all anyone cared about.
I’m also currently migrating all of my self-hosted services from docker to podman. Look into using Quadlet and systemd rather than podman-compose: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/quadlet-podman
Your Quadlet
files will end up looking very similar to your docker compose files. Podman will automatically generate a systemd service unit for you if you drop the.container
file in your user systemd unit directory ($HOME/.config/containers/systemd/) and runsystemctl --user daemon-reload
. Then starting the container on boot is as simple assystemctl --user enable --now containername.service
.This will not solve your rootful vs. rootless issues, as others have pointed out, but Quadlet/systemd is nice replacement for the service/container management layer instead of docker-compose/podman-compose