Yeah eating fish is not sustainable, especially considering how global fish population is dropping rapidly. Sadly, my dad loves fish…
Yeah eating fish is not sustainable, especially considering how global fish population is dropping rapidly. Sadly, my dad loves fish…
Scientists care too much about if we could, they forget to ask if we should.
Thank you for in-depth explanation! Though I already know the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, as a math major. What I am curious of is: why can’t we only observe e.g. energy values? I heard that one can only observe commutative operators or something, but honestly why is quite unclear.
I find QM quite confusing, in that one can observe only the eigenvalues and not the state itself. Why is it specifically, or is this wrong conceptualization? Also, how does particle-ness relate to the eigenvalues?
I do not recall well, but connections are sections of a suitable bundle, right? I have to eventually learn this but eh, seems too tedious. Do I need to take an entire class to really know it?
What is the reason, is it because sometimes some of them are on the other side from the sun?
I don’t, because I can’t have friends.
Is there anything you wish you did when you were 30?
Wouldn’t investing at this point basically means betting for even larger tesla & nvidia? Since these companies comprises huge part of nasdaq.
Dunno how it is “giving up happiness”, when one is (typically) unhappy in the first place.
About normal - what do you mean by “normal is spectrum”? I do not understand what you mean by that. As far as I have seen, there is an socially established concept of “being normal”, that 99% of people agree upon and go by.
I feel like hiding/changing self is oftentimes easier than finding someone who likes one as-is. Most people are quite stereotyped and prefers being normal.
I wish I were able to achieve even 0.01% of this, I am just born unable.
I don’t think this strategy is working.
Yes, paraphene candle reflects light, unless you won’t know that it’s white
My mother is currently like, AI will eliminate all junior jobs and everyone will be on the managerial position. It’s honestly exhausting. Damn, when will the hype end???
Noticed the same thing, how can one be concerned about the plastic straws but not the cups? I almost thought that was the joke.