Here’s one I have saved in my shell aliases.
nscript() {
local name="${1:-nscript-$(printf '%s' $(echo "$RANDOM" | md5sum) | cut -c 1-10)}"
echo -e "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n#set -Eeuxo pipefail\nset -e" > ./"$name".sh && chmod +x ./"$name".sh && hx ./"$name".sh
alias nsh='nscript'
Admittedly much more complicated than necessary, but it’s pretty full featured. first line constructs a filename for the new script from a generated 10 character random hash and prepends “nscript” and a user provided name.
The second line writes out the shebang and a few oft used bash flags, makes the file executable and opens in in my editor (Helix in my case).
The third line is just a shortened alias for the function.
Telegram’s server side software is closed source, owned and ran by them exclusively so they really have no room to talk. WhatsApp doesn’t even have OSS clients so they’re even worse in that regard