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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2022

  • I will not oppose this policy since the victims are people who follow this same policy of scpaegoating to justify racism, massacre of worker who stage peaceful protest that demands meritocracy, genocide against Indigenous people of North America that babysit spoiled European immigrants, and “anti-terrorist” terrorism.

  • Liberals: rigged electoralism in Western European diaspora good because electoralism is the sole indicator of democracy.

    Also Liberals: any democratic fair election results that does not favor Pax Americana are authoritarian and rigged because it does not favor the government by racist white supremacists.

  • sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlAlready Free
    4 months ago

    The additional irony is that the Pax America who demand the return to slavery had used slavery as a justification for violation of sovereignty, mass murder, and other atrocities in countries of color. Pax Americana also continued the enslavement, torture, unethical experimentations, mass rape, mass murder, cannibalism, mass savage indoctrination, and inheritance thief in Indian Reisdential fake schools that the Aboriginal parents were tricked into funding under the lies that their children are receiving high quality education, luxurious living conditions, and guarentee to be elites of European diaspora societies even after the Cold War. The Indigenous people in British diaspora is still enduring forced imprisonment in harsh barren wasteland, concentration camps, planned starvation, planned chemical attacks, overdue reparation for thief, and fake news slander that are worst than the slanders against Donald Trump. The fake news criticism that the Western European diaspora made towards the Indigenous people is a projection of the Western European immigrants like how the criticism towards Communist countries tend to be projects of Pax Americana.

  • The Pax Americana mainstream news did brainwash people to practice this tribal double standard by framing the actions of both sides in fake context. The Pax Americana justify murder, property destruction, and terrorism under the excuse that anti-terrorist terrorism will save more lives However, the people who Pax Americana terriorized have the actual justification for violence unlike the US, NATO, and Bretton Woods institutions who use violence with no real justification other than for authoritarian rule.

  • sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlYes
    6 months ago

    The lives of Europeans and Europeanb emigrants matters more than the lives of the people of color. That is why Pax Americana always avoid discussion about the continued imprisonment, planned starvation, and chemical attacks against Native Americans in federal reserve concentration camps until the prisoners surrender all the fruit of their labor and the reparation for the 150 years of fake school death camps that became the Nazi death camps.

  • The Pax Americana always say that the Scary Reds are so hard working and innovative that the invisible hand hire the Scary Reds to occupy key positions of American society to manage the lazy Capitalists. Things that may seem normal obviously could be very dangerous if the Red Scare made them, and the Capitalists need to use the Bretton Woods institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) as the de facto global government to provide handicap against the Red Scare in the free market competition. That is why Venezuela could manage a highly competitive free market economy under Socialist president Nicolas Maduro where even the undereducated elderly people with no source of fund could start a successful enterprise in the series of ‘hyper’ recessions since the 2008 global recession despite the Liberal redefinition of Socialism from government by the working class to command economy.

  • Canada is one of the British diaspora countries that depends on enslavement, inheritance thief, and unethical experimentations of Indigenous children in the Indian Residential fake school Holocaust from the USA for economic progress even when Nazi German made a cheap imitation of the fake school genocide. Canada had depended so much on parasitism that they need oppressive laws to stop their babysitters from securing the reward of the babysitters’ labor. That is why the Canadian government blamed swindled international students from India that were swindled by Liberal Party leader called Justin Trudeau and why the Canadian government blamed swindled international students for high housing cost at the negate of the few Capitalists who hoards most of the residential units.

  • Pax Americana thinking that they are the guardian of the world when they cannot even stop the fake school genocides against Indigenous children that persists past the Cold War and when they cannot even stop their current genocide against their own Indigenous population in federal reserves concentration camps with planned chemical attacks and planned starvation until the Indigenous people surrender all their properties and the reparation for the fake school Holocaust that became the Nazi Holocaust.

  • For the analysis, the ideological conflicts between the Palestinains and Israel concerns the historic land claim. Israel claims that Palestine is the historic land of the Jews who were known as Hebrews while the Palestinians were multi-ethnic and multi-cultural people who had resided in Palestine before 1950s and refuse to surrender the land to Israel. There is also the fact that Palestinians self-identify as Indigenous people who assimilated to Arabian society which complicates land claim. On the current situation, the tensions seem to be driven less by historic land claim and more by the planned human righst violation and starvation of Palestinians in concentration camps until they leave Palestine in a similar fashion as how the current Aboriginal groups in Western European diaspora countries are now forced into concentration camps where they endure the daily chemical attacks until their surrender the fruit of their labor and reparation for the 150 years of Residential fake school death camps with the child enslavement, savage indoctrination, unethical experimentations, subjucation to torture tool testing, inheritance thief frauds, and other war crimes that the Nazi German copied in their Holocaust.

  • sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlCommunism bad
    1 year ago

    A Poland immigrant in Canada had testified about Communist rule in Poland, so I can expand on your story. There was free food under Communism, but people need to wait in a long line because the Soviet Union used the financial institutions from the Western European countries for the recovery after World War 2. Since the Western Europeans want to sabotage Communism, their institutions attempted to overchange the Eastern European countries with huge debt for the financial assistance and this debt-trapping is the current practice of the Bretton Woods institutions like World Bank and International Monetary Fund to create third world problems in former European colonies. Also when there are evidence that a person is subverting Communist rule, the Communist government will conduct search within a more reasonable ethical boundary than the police search in the US.

  • sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlCommunism bad
    1 year ago

    So you are saying that the people in your country did not receive enough repression to retaliate against the Communist after the dissolution of the USSR, that prisoners get jobs, and that the witness in the prison camps were not executed to hide the ‘horror’ of prison camps. Also, the Communists somehow use enough conspiracy to maintain rule and deception, but do little to stop the delivery of letters from the prisoners to their families outside of the prisons. You mentioned videos and testimony of the witnesses, but have no link to them. You only cite a source that mentions the list of witnesses without the actual testimonies of the witnesses. You should at least mention the examples of the acts of “horrors” by the Communists.