• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • FAR AI tries to imply that the Go bots are still not merely superhuman, but far superhuman: “this result demonstrates that even far superhuman AI systems can fail catastrophically in surprising ways.” Uh huh. [FAR AI]

    fuck it’s so disappointing that everything in this space has to be communicated through the cracked lens of critihype — that even the utterly normal failings of a misengineered system must be misrepresented, in true techfash style, as further proof that the system is powerful and is only one more breakthrough away from perfection

  • This is a weird kind of assertion. First of all. You could make facts a token value in an LLM if you had some pre-calculated truth value for your data set. That’s not how it works now but it’s a weird assertion to make about an unknown new generation of AI.

    fuck almighty where do you people pull this absolute horseshit from

    What Strawberry apparently is, is a machine that reasons, which is NOT similar to what Open-AI ever claimed ChatGPT ever was.

    well shit, you’ve got a long list of supposed AI researchers to tell that to. here, I’ll make sure you’ve got plenty of time to read their back catalog of utterly fucking stupid claims!

  • Evaluation is 5-20% faster than 2.18, depending on which benchmark is in use, thanks to eldritch horrors.

    this is awesome

    nix flake lock --update-input nixpkgs is now the much more reasonable nix flake update nixpkgs.

    but this is making me go “fuck yeah” on the inside. it seems like a small change, but I can’t emphasize enough how frequently this command gets used (for every flake dependency, not just nixpkgs) for how longwinded and non-memorable the old form of it was. it’s kind of fucking incredible how many UX warts Nix has just from the old evaluator’s devs digging in their heels on shit like this.

  • absolutely!

    I do have a question from the Mastodon side of the Fediverse. Is there a cleaner way I can share links to Lemmy communities?

    I’ll do a little bit of experimentation tonight on our test instance and see if there’s a cleaner way to do link-only posts from mastodon! this’ll kill two birds with one stone for me — I needed to run some federation tests as part of an infrastructure upgrade I’m looking to deploy to our main instance. unfortunately, the federation between Lemmy and Mastodon is very limited and janky in a lot of ways so there might not be a cleaner way to do it, but the thread you created looks good on our end.

    also, I can’t speak to how the experience for Blind users would be in any of the Lemmy apps or its web frontend, but if any of them end up being a more convenient way to interact with our posts, we can definitely get you set up with an account on our instance if desired.

    If you want my Javascript prompt injection I made, DM me because I don’t wanna give LLM developers easy ways to put up input and output guardrails against my prompt injection.

    definitely! I will reach out on Mastodon when I get the chance; I don’t remember if Lemmy even attempts to federate DMs between us and Mastodon, but I don’t trust it to do it well if it does.

  • Genuine question.

    So rude, you didn’t answer my question at all.

    yeah find me one single instance of someone doing this “genuine question” shit that doesn’t result in the most bad faith interpretation possible of the answers they get

    If I’m missing something obvious I’d love it if you told me.

    • most security vulnerabilities look like they cause the targeted program to spew gibberish, until they’re crafted into a more targeted attack
    • it’s likely that gibberish is the LLM’s training data, where companies are increasingly being encouraged to store sensitive data
    • there’s also a trivial resource exhaustion attack where you have one or more LLMs spew garbage until they’ve either exhausted their paid-for allocation of tokens or cost their hosting organization a relative fuckload of cash
    • either you knew all of the above already and just came here to be a shithead, or you’re the type of shithead who doesn’t know fuck about computer security but still likes to argue about it
    • fuck off