Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.
Doesn’t the idea of a mountain bike run contrary to the idea of a folding bike? Folding bikes are for commuting and mountain bikes need the rigidity for handling the offroading
I’m already have bitwarden. It’s Monday morning, surely you have better things to do?
Synchronise my credentials across devices.
Why do people continue to pedal this bigoted propaganda?
Is the minimum wage lower in China compared to the UK? Yes, across the board. But let’s compare Guangzhou to Solihull. Minimum wage lower? Yes. Cost of living lower? Yes. Are you able to afford to live in an apartment and buy groceries based on what you make building cars? Yes.
I would say the same about cars, washing machines or anything else. If a manufacturer rolls out an update that breaks something to the degree Google has done, they should be forced to replace it with a like for like or newest equivalent model.
They should be forced to replace all affected phones
What’s the app to request nudes?
I doubt it, but fingers crossed.
ESPHome is the gift that keeps giving. When you get around to building your smart speaker, please detail it with regular posts so we can live vicariously through you.
Bitwarden overall is great project. But the lack of oversight on the clients is baffling. Why hire a team that has no interest in open source?
I’ve seen alias pop up a few times of late, I’ll continue to keep an eye open.
It was actually the app that made me try it out. Glad I did.
This is really cool, thanks for making this.
I thought EREV were just electric vehicles with extra large batteries.
I agree with you, but…
“Let’s prop up a dying industry and make our country obsolete in an industry that they’ve comfortably been a mainstay in for years.”
This is such a no brainer. I don’t understand why Trump and his advisors think there’s more money and prospects in oil than electric.
The size looks good