• 12 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • There was a similar question being discussed here -> https://lemmygrad.ml/comment/4185356

    I will quote the comrade as a quick TLDR:

    100K debt to the american gov’t only matters if you ever plan to use credit in America. Paying off these people’s debt just allows them to return to America and use their education to buy a house in America, get a job in America, and support the American empire.

    Also it’s especially funny if the reason they can’t return is entirely because America decided to saddle the very people they need to function with undischargable debt they have no hope of paying back.

  • In all likelihood, the consequences of not paying your debt will only apply in the country where you incurred that debt. Realistically, INTERPOL’s not coming after you because you didn’t pay off your credit cards.

    You could “get away with it,” in a sense. There are limits to what creditors will do to recover their money. They may file a lawsuit against you and try to get whatever they can out of your assets in the United States. But they’re not going to chase you abroad. If they do try, that will mean to waste way too much money and that will defeat the purpose of being in that debt collection industry for a profit.

  • Totally agree with you. I used the word “terrorist” in this meme to highlight the double standards that the US liberals have.

    For example, Alexander Alazo Baró was acquitted of the four charges against him, as a result of the attack perpetrated by him against the Cuban Embassy in the United States in the early hours of April 30, 2020. Despite the arrest of this scum, the United States only charged him with federal charges, but no Terrorism charge was made which is the classification that fits the fact. As you said, they weaponize this word to properly dehumanize and create a justification for violence against the people that the word terrorist is targeted upon.

    “After four years of the events and in a criminal proceeding full of opacity, the judge welcomed a joint report from the Prosecutor’s Office and the defense of the terrorist Alexander Alazo Baró, who presents the perpetrator as someone who, at the time of the events, was not in possession of his mental faculties and, therefore, declares him innocent”, declared the MINREX.

    In the case of this criminal, the USA easily discarded the case as a lone wolf with mental issues which is a typical common thing to do when they have right wing extremists shootings. It is still crazy to me that the USA is showing us that the rules that they set don’t apply to them.

  • It’s just impossible to respond to this bullshit. It doesn’t matter if you carefully answer every single dumb shit they throw at you. They will proceed to ignore it and throw even more outrageous shit.

    I usually arrive to this conclusion: War is inevitable with fucks like this.

    Also, what particularly hurts me more from these smug liberals that throw this poop at me is that they know that in Mexico, my homeland, we are dealing with cartels. Whenever reporters investigate them, it always leads back to the US gov’t and their big corpos. Literally, following the money will ALWAYS fucking lead us back to Crakkkerlandia.

    All of us in Mexico want the cartel gone but we all know that it will be impossible due to the material conditions and foreign interference. They all know that their words will always lead up to war but at this point THEY don’t care. Their smugness relies on their military, privilege and hegemony. I really hope that latin america can be free so we can be able to show those fucking crakkkers that we are no cowards.

  • It is draining to debate liberals. Even if you grab them by the hand and expose every single verifiable and historical fact, they will always show smugness and ignore all of it.

    They even go as far as to tell me the following:

    Yes I support the Jews and Israel for standing up against terrorists and people wanting them dead. At least they’re not pussies like the Latino population running to America to get away from the cartel. How about yall stand up for yourselves? El Salvador did. Look what happened there. “But oh the gringos…” shut the fuck up. Admit the fact that yall are pussies and cowards to the cartels. Yall would rather do all the evil things in life for easy money.

    Ignorant statements like this give me so much anger because they willingly ignore all of the shit that the amerikkkans have done to us to arrive to the current material conditions that we have in the world.

    Literally, the world will finally be at peace when the imperialist pig and the smug liberals cease to have power.