They will be tried in Ukrainian courts I imagine.
I can’t envision the Hague actually prosecuting, convicting, and jailing, any Russians. Just as I can’t see them doing that to Americans.
I could be wrong, Russia’s position has certainly weakened enough for it to be possible, but until that dam is broken, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Ukraine on the other hand, that’s an entirely different story. They’ve already been prosecuting war criminals in their own courts. Which is problematic in its own right, but if the Hague isn’t a viable possibility yet, what other options do they have?
Those already exist. But there isn’t a machine yet that can replace infantry, which is why some of scariest technologies coming up are the smart fire control systems on infantry rifles.
Soldiers identify the targets they want to hit, get their rifle in position, aim, but the gun fires itself when it’s calculated it’s best chance of hitting the target.