The single-player NWN used 3rd edition. I played a lot of NWN2, which was based on 3.5.
The single-player NWN used 3rd edition. I played a lot of NWN2, which was based on 3.5.
Samesies. I think it didn’t help that I played the sequel first. It’s just really damned dated. Some older games age really well, but NWN did not.
I mean, what else are you gonna wind a piece of string around?
That isn’t what NATO Restricted means, at least not in the US—I’m not going to attempt to delve into Hungarian law. It falls under the category of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) established by Executive Order 13556, and codified in DoD Instruction 5200.48
This information is not freely available to the public, and must be cleared for release according to the procedures detailed in the aforementioned documents, which specify that it should only be disseminated for official government purposes.
Perhaps the Balrog underestimated Gandalf, thinking it could cast him into the abyss, then fly back up to deal with the rest of the Fellowship. Alternatively, maybe it calculated that its best chance of defeating the wizard was to grapple with him at close quarters. Either way, the Balrog falling doesn’t necessarily mean that it wasn’t capable of flight.
I mean, it’s worth a shot.
Nothing to do with cryptocurrency. Great podcast, though.
I saw him spewing garbage on tv at the gym a few months ago; no audio, luckily, but they always have a tv showing fox news, and it was right in my line of sight. The ridiculous shit he was constantly doing with his hands had me cracking up. It was so over-the-top, to the point of parody. I couldn’t stop laughing at the idea that anyone takes the chucklefuck seriously, just based on his moronic gesticulation schtick.
So yeah, let him keep doing insanely stupid shit with his hands.
Oh, crumb! I’ve gotten here way too late to make a joke about it not being a zero cum game. Ah, well. Next time!
I’m not in the habit of defending @UnderpantsWeevil, but it’s pretty clear that their point is that UBI cannot replace public infrastructure investment. You’re not really arguing that it can and/or should, are you?
Damn Uncle Scrooges Uncles Scrooge ruining the economy with their improbably swimmable money bins! Where’s Magica De Spell when you need her?
'tisn’t the least bit funny.