Sarcasm can be difficult to catch in online conversations. Yours, however, came through like hot sauce on chicken wings.
Sarcasm can be difficult to catch in online conversations. Yours, however, came through like hot sauce on chicken wings.
Very cool article! (Har) Tx for posting.
Little bit of a goofy mistake in it about a supposed 1939 St. Louis World Fair. NYC was 1939. St. Louis was 1904.
I don’t recall any lasting sleep benefits, but you’re absolutely right that there ain’t NOTHIN like a Propofol nap. Amazing. And when I woke up, completely, instantly awake, no grogginess or hangover effect.
No wonder MJ was addicted.
Here are video links:
Pic 1: Bilbo Baggins, Fellowship of the Ring,
Pic 2: Faces in the Dead Marshes, The Two Towers,
Pic 3: Galadriel, LOTR,
Pic 4, Sméagol becoming Gollum, The Return of the King,
“Nothing.” You know: memes, scrolling, YouTube. I mean if you’ve tried all three, what else in the world can a person do?
A foolish monkey and his bananas are soon parted.
“When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.”
Half this story is about the idiot SBC constituency. The other half is about top SBC officials who have somehow come to believe that the teachings of Jesus were anything but subversive to begin with.
I only understood about 60% of what I was reading, but this was really interesting.
Talk about Grim.
“Earlier today, we spoke with representatives from Twitter and they will send a letter to us to say that will be used by Twitter…”
Ah, yes. A letter, the choice of grandparents and luddites worldwide.
If it’s a low rate, I’d be fine with that.
Billshark: never heard of this! I signed up. THANKS
Does anyone know: can you buy Humble Bundle games and play them through Steam?
It’s not paranoia if everyone really IS out to get you.