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Joined 16 days ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2025

  • Both the Taliban

    You didn’t get the memo? The US ran from Afghanistan with it’s tail between it’s legs, while the Taliban rules there and is now literally untouchable. The US’s “steamrolling” isn’t as impressive as you believe it to be.

    “winning hearts and minds”

    The US can’t even win “hearts & minds” in Bumfucksville, Arizona any more.

  • but the right wingers insist it’s the “radical leftism” of social democracy.

    That shouldn’t surprise us. The capitalist order only allows for the existence of two (supposedly) opposing ideologies - liberalism and fascism - that in reality is complementary to each other when it comes to maintaining their precious status quo.

    So it stands to reason that fascists should cast liberals as the “Radical Left!” - that’s the ideology they are taking over from as liberalism is failing to maintain the status quo. It’s failing in it’s role as “good cop.”

  • The capitalist status quo is protected by a political wing we call “liberalism” and a paramilitary wing we call “fascism.”

    Carrot and stick, good cop/bad cop - pick your metaphor.

    For far too long, leftists have laboured under the delusion that liberals are merely “misguided” people that can be “pushed” left as soon as we could get them to read this or that book by our favourite Beardy McDeadguy. This kind of understanding of these people we call “centrists,” “moderates,” and, by far the most accurate term, “liberals,” completely ignores the fact that it is liberalism - not fascism - that is the true ideology of privilege. Privilege that means that liberals are even more invested in the maintenance of the status quo that the rank and file of fascism are.

    The left has always proven itself capable of defeating fascists - but it seems that it has no real answer to the insidious, co-opting tentacles of the liberal and the mountain of lies liberalism is built upon.