Game and Tool developer working with Godot and NixOS.
And to add to this, you also have to shut down said road for a time to repair the pothole, which could be costly (traffic-wise) in some areas at certain times.
Bingo. I think they’ll just smell like warm oily metal, but otherwise will clean themselves.
Cars are machines, they get wet and have protections around the parts that shouldn’t get wet. Why would robots be less complex?
So incredibly consistent with their live performances, too. The KEXP session is just as good (and they mix in some songs from their other album).
Yes, let them be happy supporting Disney, a company founded by a Nazi sympathizer and HD, a company that makes over-priced and 'Murican sized motorcycles with a built-in engineering defect that has become a feature.
Even with this shit financial system, you can make better choices. My comment still stands, they are dumbfucks. They’ve shown me that have no respect for me and my life, or my sibling and their child’s life. But yea, let them be happy while they piss on nature with their wallets.
lmao, my parents are dumbfucks who spend all their money on Disney vacations and Harley Davidsons when they don’t even have any retirement accounts and everything is in cash. I have no inheritance coming my way, are you kidding me?
I hadn’t heard of them, didn’t even realize that’s what the comment was saying 😅
More new music for me, hell yea