don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine

  • 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • Yup - I went to Temple University and the whole sidewalk from the train station to campus was lined with these. The leaves are beautiful but the berries are just horrendous. We called them shitberries. It was really hard to avoid them and sometimes you’d step on one, and end up apologizing the rest of the day because that stench sticks around.

    I think they got rid of those trees. The students now don’t know what they’re missing out on!

  • I had to really watch these positional restrictions for the first four weeks. After that I could ease back into a more full range of motion, but only to my comfort level (in other words, I couldn’t push anything and had to take it slooooowly). No running or jumping for the first 12 weeks. But now I can pretty much do anything I want. I do still have pain sometimes if I sleep in a weird position or if I go too hard in the gym, but more or less I’m back to normal. Certainly I’m better than before surgery!

    My problem was called a femoroacetabular impingement, which is a congenital overgrowth of bone at the neck of the femur. It limited my range of motion (e.g., squatting was difficult) and led to a torn labrum (hip cartilage). The surgery was to sew the labrum back together and pin it down, and shave down the bone overgrowth. They did it all arthroscopically. I’m really glad I had it done, even though recovery was frustrating!

    I talked a little more about recovery here if you’re interested.