this is too meta
this is too meta
What does BLOB stand for?
I usually use open source to mean open source and free as in lunch, but in this case I assume kovarex is talking about open source but commercial and restrictively licensed. I could be wrong.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the source code of the Java version open for modding?
i like the last one
The transition requirements are so high
what are the requirements?
small governments cannot independently solve global crises.
Charitably, the frog is actually saying “I don’t like discussing our looming annhilation.”
I know human perception is logarithmic. I’m interested why it was thought it was 7x brighter. “Sevenfold as the seven days in one” it seems?
actually the part that i am scratching my head at is the sevenfold brighter bit.
Thanks, I missed the first paragraph
Article says it’s not that though; that dumping cocaine happens in Mexico and Florida but not Brazil.
How are they getting cocaine?
The woman and black guy stare at him blankly
According to this, the forest’s size is declining at a slower rate!
There are many practical uses, and more to be discovered, but I think most of them won’t be user-facing.
but we all have the right to be bothered by it :)
it seems the meaning has changed, but to be honest I don’t know what the new meaning is.
Your explanation is wrong. There is no reason to believe that “c” has no mapping.