Take your pick from the Linux family tree
Take your pick from the Linux family tree
And now I flap. Into your face. I flew right into your big lamp, it looks just like that thing in space.
Why does that look like an LTT clickbait thumbnail image?
Upskill. I’m not ‘upskilling’ someone, I’m training them.
Hey Peter Man! Check out Channel 9! Hobbit foot exams!
I’m getting the impression he worked with brass balls
This was also my first Linux distro after having used Sun’s Solaris while at uni. I think I tried out Slack and Suse at around the same time, but stuck with RedHat and related distros for about 6 years.
If they were trained by the Paris firefighters then they can face anything
He truly is the Holy Farter
It is the horseshoe crab of trees
Given the right conditions, some plants can live indefinitely. Others die shortly after seeding.
Do plants die of old age though? Now that question has been put in my head, I need to know.
Be back in a bit, going down a rabbit hole.
Other people who’ve read it and who I’ve talked with seem to be split over whether the first book is better than the sequels, or the other way around. I prefer the sequels, my wife prefers the original. Do you have a preference?
I had no idea this was being worked on, and the news has made my day
Game: Super Mario Galaxy
Book: The Rama series, Arthur C Clarke
TV: The West Wing
Movie: The 5th Element
Disclaimer: I have nothing more than a secondary education level of physics and a keen interest in physics in general.
It’s common scientific belief that all physical forces are backed up by a field, for example, magnetism by the electromagnetic field, gravity by a gravity field. It would follow that the strong and weak nuclear forces also have corresponding fields.
For a disruptor to work as seen in fiction, you’d probably be looking to disrupt the weak nuclear force, and would need a mechanism to locally change the properties of the corresponding weak nuclear field.
I don’t know if there is such a mechanism available to us currently. Hopefully someone else has a definitive answer.
Simple fix, change legal name to Al.
Image of Brits still singing ‘God save the queen’ 2 years after her death
My face, screaming in horror, but in words instead. I’ve only really worked with projects in homogenous languages on the application side, so hadn’t considered that. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Because, as it stands, ole Donny boy is going to aid him not hinder him