Want to truly understand how good it is? Try getting a specific thing out of a pocket with a thick glove!
Want to truly understand how good it is? Try getting a specific thing out of a pocket with a thick glove!
I just moved north to Minnesota and the cold winters have somehow kept malls alive. Nowhere near the mall culture of previous decades but maybe worth a trip North sometime, if you miss it
This reminds me of my experience with COVID lockdown. Obviously, a pandemic and the vulnerable being sick and losing over a million American lives (and much more globally) was horrible. But for a short time, it was incredible to see the amount of people just visiting parks in the middle of the day and enjoying the warm spring that year. Getting outside to nature was a way a lot of people coped with the isolation and it was beautiful in a way. Moms and grandmas were sewing cloth masks, distilleries switched to making hand sanitizer, people in my area began using local businesses more. There was a definite sense of community, even if it happened through FaceTime calls and social distancing. There are always silver linings to tragedy, I guess.
I have a pregnant wife who eats eggs every morning and it sucks. That and a ton of foods being prepped with eggs at some point makes the rest of food go up in price as well, I’d assume.
Chinese stealing jobs in 2020? That narrative has been around for at least 40 years!
Hell ya!
It’s truly a film about not judging the book by its cover and allowing for that to happen instead of taking the film literally you can see the themes and especially satire/parody of the American dream as described above.
I will go even ONE step further than others - if you are scared to start a software like Truenas scale that has a GUI has helped me. A lot of the options offered by others are great but can require a lot of command line stuff. There are a few OS’s out there that are more point and click that I had a lot of success with. Truenas scale runs the docker containers that others are recommending.