Betwixed and between

  • 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2023

  • There is (or was) a North Korean Restaurant in Phnom Penh, in Cambodia. The staff were apparntly North Korean, so not sure how that worked and I was going to go but never go there back in the day.

    The worst dishes (for me) I’ve had were in Malaysia , o coild nit find sonethbg Ibloeod, i started oit disliking the food in Myamar (before the recent civil war) not did start to find food I liked and the most suprisingly good food was Nepalese, at a little place owned by a Nepalese family. Not a fan of tomato based dishes so…

  • Your take is however literally madness. It would be like you protesting on here that somone trying to get people medicine to survive if they raced across town disrupting traffic and you supported them being jailed.

    I hope they can keep it up. The stupid attached to people not understating the impacts of climate change is appalling and will collapse civilisation. That’s literally what XR, JSO etal want to try and do, prevent the collapse of civilisation and raise awareness of that so we do something. And people be like “my Uber Eats driver delivered me a cold buger, jail those protestors for life!!!?”

    I get you’re not brave enough to do this yourself but you’d think you’d at least support those who are!

  • That won’t work in Australia. You can buy the SIM anywhere of course, you just can’t activate it. You’ll need proof of ID on line to do that… There are only three operators (the rest are resellers). I am sure there are ways around it but not the one you suggest.

    When I was last in NZ you didn’t need ID must buy a SIM and good to go, not sjre thats still the case though?