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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • My opinions about guns have changed over the years. I used to be of the opinion that nobody should have guns in this day and age, what’s the point aside from ego boosting and sport.

    Then a cheeto puff did a treason on jan6.

    I’ll give up my guns only after the fascists give up theirs. Non negotiable.

    You want to “prevent tragedies”? fund programs for welfare and healthcare. Tax the rich. Break up megacorps like google, albertsons, nestle. Enact and enforce employee protections. Raise the minimum wage. Ban airbnb and heavily tax empty residences. Universal basic income! Did I mention fixing the healthcare system? More that I’m forgetting to list.

    Miserable parents make miserable kids, and miserable kids lash out. For the wealthiest and most powerful nation on the planet, this shouldn’t be hard to figure out.

  • It took me years to get my win10 install to a point that I was somewhat happy with it. I’ve lost track of how many registry edits i’ve had to do just to disable a feature I didn’t want, or enable a feature microsoft wanted to take away from me. The numerous utilities I’ve had to download just to have functionality that was built into windows back in 7 or xp. I literally don’t remember all the things I’ve had to do, and I refuse to do it again. Now microsoft wants to take away the entire operating system? No.

    I just installed linux yesterday. It is a royal pain in my ass, as several design choices are just different from what I’m used to (middle click is paste? what the hell?). However, there’s no ads in the start menu. Text I type into the start menu doesn’t get sent to an online search engine. There’s no proto-ai garbage. Oh, and it didn’t cost $200 like my win10 key did.

    It’s going to take me a week to set up, as I have tons of data on many ntfs drives that I need to be able to do anything productive, and they’re all “read only” because I think windows knows I have a linux install and now blue-screens every time I try to shut it down. (This is a problem because ntfs drives get set to read only if windows doesn’t shut down cleanly).

  • It’s not the jack itself, but rather what it represents. The ability to simply and easily do what you want with a device you paid potentially thousands of dollars for, and it was taken away for no better reason than to save a few cents, or mimic a more successful company that wanted to save a few cents. Similarly, easily swappable batteries. The battery is likely the first component in a device to die, and when it does fuck you, buy a whole new phone. I used to never put my phone on a charger; I had two batteries and I’d just switch them out every morning, easy and simple. That feature was taken away by greedy megacorps who refuse to make a product that I actually want to buy, instead I have to settle for a worse product that costs more than it needs to and does less than what its replacing.

  • It’s the next step of the civil rights movements, which certain demographics of people are fighting tooth and nail to prevent (and undo past progress). If it were possible to simply say “All people get equal rights”, and leave it at that, we’d all be better off. We’ve had some big hullabaloos in the past about “do the blacks count as people?” and “do women count as people?” then “do the gays count as people?” and now “do the trans count as people?”. Once everyone gets over hating trans people, the haters will move on to another minority to persecute and we’ll have posts online about “Why do I have to hear about (label) all the time? Can’t we just leave them be?”