• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022

  • It is in China’s self-interest for the era of imperialism, complete with its colonialism and neocolonialism, to come to an end. It turns out, that’s also in the self-interest of literally everyone, even the imperialists. So the fact that this is in the interests of China is sort of a moot point.

    That’s like saying a doctor is only curing people of life threatening diseases so she can eat a decent meal and sleep in a comfortable bed. Uh, sure… I think we can all agree that whoever helps out should get a good life. What’s the point of saying what you’re saying, exactly?

  • Uhhh, ok sweaty? Like, Binance trades in those currencies. The problem is the crypto wallet service ecosystem that was developed and pushed. The coins are decentralized but the wallet platforms are all points of control. And it’s the wallet platforms that are spending the money on advertising and social media, not the coins themselves. So the whole ecosystem - outside of the gear heads who knows enough to run their own wallets AND know enough to run them securely and redundantly to avoid loss - the whole ecosystem is intermediated by feds and fed-adjacent actors.

  • A Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) led investigation discovered the plane in the Dominican Republic, a source said.

    Sooo… homeland security of the USA was in the Dominican Republic, an ostensibly sovereign nation, and stole the plane of the president of another sovereign nation.

    The plane is the Venezuelan equivalent to Air Force One

    Can you imagine what would happen if another nation did this to the USA?

    “[…] for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies”

    Like Air Force One is for Biden and his cronies, or Clinton and his cronies, or Reagan and his cronies?

    “This morning, the Justice Department seized an aircraft we allege was illegally purchased for $13 million through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States […]”

    So they didn’t know it was illegally purchased before the USA Homeland Security stole it from the Dominican Republic?

    “The Department will continue to pursue those who violate our sanctions and export controls to prevent them from using American resources to undermine the national security of the United States.”

    How does undermining unilateral politically motivated sanctions undermine the national security of the USA?

    “The seizure of this aircraft is another significant action by Homeland Security Investigations working with our domestic and international partners against the illegal activities of the Maduro regime,”

    It’s not illegal in Venezuela to violate the unilateral sanctions of the USA. It’s not illegal ANYWHERE to violate unilateral sanctions of some other country.

    “This is an important step to ensure that Maduro continues to feel the consequences from his misgovernance of Venezuela,”

    This is some real Team America: World Police level brain rot.

  • Do you know what escalation means? Russia hasn’t escalated shit since it launched the invasion. Each thing Russia has done since the invasion is part of the invasion. They haven’t attacked other nations, they haven’t embargoed or disrupted trade beyond their own borders, they haven’t introduced new weapons platforms, they haven’t made attempts to decapitate Ukrainian leadership.

    Ukraine and the West are escalating. They’ve been escalating literally since the end of the Cold War. Each country on the border of Russia that got NATO nuclear sites was an escalation. Each color revolution was an escalation. Each sanction was an escalation. Each call for a no fly zone was an escalation. Each new weapons platform sent to Ukraine was an escalation. Each use of Western military intelligence to coordinate Ukrainian strikes was an escalation. Each time Ukraine struck civilian infrastructure inside Russia was an escalation.

    You are using words you hear people say but you don’t understand them.

    Russia has had one demand since the USSR was dismantled - no NATO operations in Ukraine. When the USA escalated and supported the coup in 2014, Russia escalated and took Crimea. When the fascists in Ukraine escalated and sent paramilitary forces to terrorize and mass murder ethnic Russians, Russia escalated with paramilitary of its own in the region. When Ukraine escalated by pursuing NATO operations in its country and NATO made noise like it might, like when Trump escalated and approved the first weapons shipment to Ukraine in US history, Russia escalated by invading the border region. That’s all of Russia’s escalatory moves - 1 every 5 years or so. It’s Ukraine and the West that have escalated since then. Sanctioning Russia was an escalation. Seizing Russian assets in violation of international law was an escalation. Sending lethal aid each year totalling more than the entire Russian military budget was an escalation. Sending Western intelligence, trainers, and even combatants to harm Russia are all escalatory moves.

  • Which is a FRACTION of what German aid was. Germany has spending around $10Bn in aid to Ukraine annually and there is only $4Bn worth of Russian assets in Germany. And not all assets have been seized. It’s also only generating, at most $1Bn in interest annually. So they can send the interest to Ukraine, or they can seize 100% of the principal and send that to Ukraine and then it’s over, because the assets will be gone. Either way, it’s tantamount to the end of Germany aid.

  • History isn’t subject to popularity. You’ll note that the revelations about the CIA’s assessment are from this year, though the assessment was from the beginning of the SMO. You’ll also note that Russia still has not made any attempt to actually march across Ukraine and take it despite Ukraine’s losses being so steep that the average age of their military went up 20 years.

    You could point out WHY my talking points fall apart now, but you won’t because history hasn’t changed much. Nuland was still there at Maidan square and the tape of her planning the next leader of Ukraine still exists. McCain still stood on stage with Right Sector and said it was a proud day for democracy less than 24 hours before Right Sector stormed the capital violently and forced the sitting president and his cabinet to flee the country. Operation Gladio is still on the books. The Banderite leave-behind still killed a lot of Jews. The neonazis in Ukraine are still getting training and arms from the USA.

    Not much has changed, honestly.

  • Yeah, no. Russia is fighting NATO expansion. The head of NATO said so. The people of Russia know what Western economic shock therapy did to them and they have a learned distrust of the West. They do not want yet another European military invading them over the Ukraine border like the last 2 European armies did.

    Ukraine, on the other hand, had a movement for alignment with the West that was cultivated, stoked, and supported by the USA to the degree that John McCain and Victoria Nuland were literally on the ground during the Maidan protests. Nuland is on tape discussing the replacement of the elected leader of Ukraine. And then the minority Right Sector faction stormed the capital with guns drawn and forced the sitting government to flee for its life. The replacement government simped for the EU and USA because it meant the USA would allow them to kill the ethnic Russians within their territory and also enrich their political elite. So for 8 years the neonazis, tied to the NATO leave-behind militias of Nazi supporters created under NATO’S Operation Gladio, bombed and murdered ethnic Russians inside Ukraine’s border.

    And when the move towards NATO expansion was too close for comfort, Russia acted to prevent that expansion.

    This has nothing to do with expanding Russia. The CIA has said so. The NYT has reported so. NaATO has stated so. Within Russia, there is no material possibility, no military strategy, and no political desire to take and hold Ukraine.