• 14 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023


  • How much of the increased price of fast food is because restaurants have to pay workers more than $7.25/hour now? It seems like the entire business model of cheap fast food was premised on low-quality food and labor costs so low that most fast-food workers qualified for public assistance. Leaving aside the low-quality oligarchical food product industry and just looking at the labor side, it’s still a failure. And a business model that relies on food stamps and welfare for its employees really isn’t a business model.

  • In small apartments curtains are definitely a cheap way to divide space, or make a single small space more adaptable or modular. I knew plenty of young adults in tiny NYC apartments that used curtains to “wall off” a sleeping area in a studio apartment, or create a make-shift workspace. Heck, I did that during lockdowns to have a work space. Although I did discover the downside of curtains, they do little to dampen sound and (to a lesser extent) smells.

  • I think we’re both in agreement about the result, but we shouldn’t forget that testimony is evidence. The chump behind the wheel will deny it, so you’ll have conflicting testimonial evidence, but until recently, this was usually all the evidence any prosecutor had. We’ve gotten too used to video evidence and now police won’t act without it, even though it’s not legally required. It just provides a convenient excuse for cops not to bother when they don’t care.

  • fpslem@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRight to Flex Arms
    4 months ago

    It sucks but unless he hurt you, hit your bike, or you have any sort of footage what is the police suppose to do?

    It’s worth noting that most American states have a “3 foot law” that requires vehicles to pass bikers with at least 3 feet of space. (Often, drivers are also required to completely change lanes when doing so, although that varies more by state and by the width of the lane on that particular road.) If a driver in one of the 39 states runs a biker off the road, even if they never physically contacted the person on the bike, they almost certainly violated the “3 foot law.”

    Yes, police often won’t investigate or bring charges, and yes, it sucks, but most of those dangerous drivers are indeed breaking the law.