Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches

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  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Wedge issues. Equal rights for everyone regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity are something that we, as a society, actually solved decades ago that aren’t even a question. They were brought back into public discourse by corrupt people that seek to keep us distracted while they rob us all blind. The two party system in the US (and any nation that uses a FPTP voting system that limits us to a MAXIMUM of two viable parties) is a HUGE reason why they still exist.

    The reason we still argue endlessly about these solved issues is that the two parties are so similar in their other policies that they have decided to highlight those issues (as if there’s even a debate about them) because the two parties align in lockstep behind the other issues. The super wealthy people at the top don’t want us talking about things that will cause ALL of us to stand up and demand improvements to our material conditions so they have their demagogues loudly trumpet the absolutely miniscule differences between them and the conservative parties to whip their voters into a frenzy in support of voting against their best interest.

    Then, I have to fight with unwitting dupes in the comment section that have fallen victim to the marketing gimmick that the black female version of Reagan is “fighting for good” despite her being politically aligned with Reagan on virtually every issue other than identity politics.

    I’m calling the DNC technique of wrapping Reaganomics in a friendly identity politics outer shell “woke-washing” because of how similar it is to “green-washing”.

    Chomsky proved this conclusively.

  • It was the CitiAssist.

    It had to be a private student loan because my parents made slightly over the max to qualify to public loans even though they refused to pay for school. That left me with loans with insane interest rates. Most of what I had to borrow was to cover $150k to pay rent in the college town I lived in while attending school.

    Then, Joe Biden wrote the bankruptcy protection bill, making it impossible for students to disburse their student loans in bankruptcy two years after I graduated. They also refused to allow me to consolidate 8 loans which all had monthly payments that were each intentionally calculated as if it was the only loan I had to pay. Then my loans got bought and moved around and are now owned by Trellis. There’s a lot more to it as well. Housing and healthcare plays a HUGE part.

    TLDR; hyper-commodification of basic human needs like education, housing, healthcare, and food coupled with legislation that sentences those that can’t pay their feudal lord up front to a lifetime of serfdom. (Not to mention my union wages barely keeping pace with inflation).

  • To paraphrase: “Just because Kamala Harris is literally a puppet of banksters who want to convert the dollar to a CDBC and prosecute any potential competition (real crypto projects that are actually decentralized), allowing the government to revoke your money any time they want, you should still vote for her because Trump and Kennedy bad.”

    If the big banks had their way, any company working on crypto will either dissolve or leave this country for fear of being the next target of the bankster’s attack dog, the SEC.

    This article says that you should vote for Kamala Harris because she isn’t the corrupt hucksters Trump or Kennedy. Honestly, I don’t think any of our choices are appealing in the slightest.

    People tell me that Trump will bring about fascism. I agree. However, I also posit that what we get under this crop of Democrats is just another flavor of fascism (flagrant corporatism perhaps?) where CDBC’s (the digital dollar) are forced upon us while the SEC attacks truly decentralized projects with integrity, calling them “securities” just because they invade on the territory of their impending (and VERY centralized, fascist) CDBC.

  • I’d look into building all of that in a flake just so you can encapsulate (and have a central version control of) all of your dependencies in case something does change.

    I’m a bit of a Nix dork but I tend to try and declare my entire dev stack in a flake so it can follow me to every machine. It offers some of the “it works on every machine” guarantees that Docker offers while also forcing the compilation of the stack to happen natively (or at least pulls in some content addressed cache that offers security by being the exact hash for the whole dependency graph). I like that

    Here’s how I used the Nix way to declare an interactive Python scraper the other day. With this method, I can lock dependencies between machines as a matter of course without having to use Docker:

      description = “Weed Scraper”;
      inputs = {
        nixpkgs.url = “github:NixOS/nixpkgs?ref=nixpkgs-unstable”;
        utils.url = “github:numtide/flake-utils”;
      outputs = { self, nixpkgs, utils }: utils.lib.eachSystem [“x86_64-linux”] (system: let
        pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = system; };
      in rec {
        packages = {
          pythonEnv =
            pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ webdriver-manager openpyxl pandas requests beautifulsoup4 websocket-client selenium keyboard ]);
        devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
          buildInputs = [
          shellHook = ‘’
            export PATH=${pkgs.chromium}/bin:${pkgs.undetected-chromedriver}/bin:$PATH

  • Yes for sure. Actually Nix is pretty long in the tooth and there are better implementations of Eelco’s brilliant idea. It’s just that they have a lot less effort, ubiquity, and hype behind them. GUIX is a good example of that. They literally can build an OS from scratch. I find Nix to be rock solid, so I stick with it. But, it’s an idea (all dependencies being content addressed in an immutable folder structure) to allow complexity that isn’t even achievable on FHS style systems.

    For example: THE main feature is that you could have a different version of say Python (for the sake of this example) installed for each dependency in your system and they would just work alongside each other due to their unique, hash based folder locations. Each folder is named based on the sha256 hash of the dependency graph, which has powerful implications. Because of this hash, they’re effectively hermetically sealed from each other and cannot step on each other. This is the very definition of Nix and taken far enough to define a whole OS is SUPER powerful concept.

    Shit, I’m rambling. Maybe I’ll pause to let you guide my rant. ;)