I have to know - was this in Knoxville?
I have to know - was this in Knoxville?
Those are my two favorites! You had climbing in school? I’m envious! What did that look like? Your school had a wall?
This one hurts. For me, he is the father figure of cinema. His delivery when talking about simbelmyne always gets to me. Sad day. A red day
Thank you for showing me this
This is what my local dead mall did. They gutted the Sears and put in a sports complex. It’s mostly pickleball courts now. It seems nice
Sounds good to me! I could listen to this voice in podcast form no problem
Is that a Bojack reference?
(Big fan of your work btw)
I had never heard of him, thank you for showing me this
I’m more a fan of Jonas Salk, Maurice Hilleman, Edward Jenner, Alexander Fleming
IndyCar driver Will Power
Same here. I have been woken by gunfire many times while camping on blm land. It is unpleasant crawlng out of the tent wondering “am I downrange?”
Just a heads-up, vans with climbing stickers can attract break-ins because they tell people “there’s a bunch of expensive gear in here that would be easy to fence”. Happens all the time in vegas. Hope you stay safe out there!
This sounds like antimetabole and chiasmus!
Seriously. Hey OP - you’re pretty cool!
Can you thank them for defining a huge part of my childhood playtime? My siblings and I bonded over that game. We still quote voicelines from it.
Awesome work!
Hah, babble, more like Babel, amirite?
Came here to ask if it was Kentucky :) cool photo, OP!
Beautiful shot, OP! I love the snow, it looks so out of place with the red rock!
Check it out - you see that standalone tower on the left? People often climb that thing! It’s called The Mace, and it features a crazy jump across a chasm!
Haha, it’s a bit silly and a bit bizarre. Nothing to be scared of though (so far)