China #1
Best friends with the mods at c/

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Back during Covid I was temporarily laid off for several months because I work a restaurant that was closing until the end of the pandemic. It was the first time that I truly had nothing to do for as long as I could remember, so I did what I thought I should do, and turned off my alarm clock. I’ve always been a wild dreamer, and I dream vividly every night all the way through until I wake. Sometimes they are vignettes, sometimes its a whole-ass life in my dreams, but they are always there, every night.

    At first I would pop up at 9am like I did for work, but eventually I got used to it, and I stopped waking up early. Soon it was 10:30, noon, 1pm. All the while I was dreaming more and more. With no hard cut off from my alarm clock, my dreams would come to their natural conclusions, which was steadily becoming my death in my dreams. Sometimes violently, sometimes of old age, but it got to where every time I went to sleep, I knew I would die that night, somehow. This isn’t some creepy-pasta or anything, it’s a true story, and I genuinely started getting panic attacks before bed because I didn’t want to dream my own death, again.

    Of course, eventually I did the smart thing and turned my alarm back on, but for a while I was locked in my version of Groundhog Day. My already natural nihilism played into all of this, and sometimes I slip into a dark thought about death, and I have a nihilistic version of my inner monologue telling me, “You’ve done it before, and when it happens, just let it happen.” It’s kinda fucked up, and it’s been years now and I still have some issues about it.

  • I can read

    That isn’t up for discussion. I concede. You can read. You just can’t read well.

    I’m sorry you need 50 words to say things that should only take 5 and are so egotistical you can’t fathom that someone disagrees with you, they can only have low reading comprehension.

    Nope, the fact that you keep putting words in my mouth and assuming they are what I really mean are why I think you have low reading comprehension. It could just be malicious trolling, but I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    If you think they “should not have the protections [I] think they should,” which is “they can’t be killed on purpose,” then that means you think members of the press should or can be killed on battlefields legitimately.

    Again, with the reading comprehension (malicious trolling). PROPAGANDISTS are not members of the press, bucko. That’s the binary of it all, if that’s what you want. Are you publishing the facts of the conflict? Yes: Journalist. No: Propagandist. Boom. Binary. Happy now?

    Get bogged down in your pedantic nonsense I don’t give two flying fucks.

    Says the guy who wants things in binary groupings. Welcome to binary, where column A and column B are all you get, and they are defined by pedants.

    We both know what I am saying and either you’re pretending you don’t understand or you’re too fucking dense to understand and should just trust the adults in the room.

    Hey, we agree on something! You are right, I do know exactly what you are saying. You are saying anyone with access to a laser jet and a PNG of a press pass gets godmode on the battlefield, isn’t that true? Doesn’t matter what you say, as long as you claim to be a journalist, you get carte blanche?

    Tell me, who gets to say what a journalist is or isn’t? Who sets the definition? If it’s me, then we already know my answer: Propagandists aren’t journalists. If it’s you, though, you seem to give a much broader definition of what journalism is. Correct me if I’m wrong (I’d hate to put words in your mouth) but you believe that journalists are anyone.

    That’s it.

    Did you expect more to that definition? Because you haven’t given any more. You seem to believe that anyone can be a journalist, report whatever they decide is worth reporting regardless of fact, and they are protected.

    Am I getting it right here? Again, I’d hate to put words in your mouth.

    That isn’t journalism. That is the death of journalism. That is why we have clickbait headlines and PPW articles. Please, just… fucking stop. You have proven time and time again that you are willing to argue from a poor position and do nothing to actually back up your statements with any worth. You are bad at what you are trying to do, whatever that may be, and everything you say is just going to be shoved back in your face because I get off on it. I love telling you how wrong you are. I wring the cum out of my cock with a fervor that few have ever known every time I tell you how completely empty your argument is. So, there you go. You can help me cum again by continuing your terrible arguments, or you can find something else to do, and I’ll just go back to pictures of dead propagandists. Either way, I’ve got a long night ahead of me, it’s just up to you how big a role you want to play in it, chief.