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pacman in my opinion is the easiest package manager ive used but even so if it is that difficult then they can use a GUI package manager that would come pre installed on most GUI arch based distros
Recognizing that’s your opinion, in my opinion it’s the hardest I’ve used. The commands are all flags, so you have to remember letters instead of “install” or “upgrade” if you want to use any packages outside of the like 4 in the official repos, you have to enable AUR, which is effectively just installing from source from some random person’s GitHub repo, in which any number of things can go wrong. I mean, there’s a reason there exist a bunch of different wrappers for pacman.
Okay but like, how often do I actually have to wash a hoodie?
“oh yeah Singapore, I get that Singapore Mei fun at the Chinese restaurant all the time, what part of China is Singapore again?”
That’s beary impressive
I don’t understand how people don’t understand that Jews outside of Israel have 0 control over this situation. I mean the guy is older so maybe all the lead? There’s been a constant police presence at my local synagogue ever since October.
There’s also a town in PA called intercourse
Aight, I mean sure. It was wrong, but 5 years? I understand that not all judges sentence in the same way but 5 years? Insurrection gets basically gets butt pats and this guy gets 5 years?
In what fucking world is that “one or two crazy people”??
Did you even read the sources you sent me? Because it’s this world. Like random politicians making crazy claims is not evidence(hence me bringing up MTG and friends). Your crazy ramblings are getting old.
And I guess calling Israel out for war crimes is “disproved Israeli government propaganda”? You clearly haven’t read my comments.
I hope you have the day you deserve too. (I’ll give you a hint, the day you deserve is a day in middle school English class to work on your reading comprehension)
I’m not sure if they test for that but I’m pretty sure if they do they don’t do follow ups
It’s not larping when you’re actually military.
But that brings up a big point. He was military. Support the troops and give them mental healthcare. Also screen them, he should not have still been in the reserves.
Your bad faith excuses for genocide
This right here shows you didn’t actually understand what I’ve been writing.
First off, please read my fucking comments, I don’t support what the Israel government is doing. You’re having an emotional response because I’m showing this situation is more complicated.
None of that is “ample fucking evidence” if I’m lying so are you.
I’m sorry this conflict is more complicated than you’d like, but one person who happens to be in a government making a statement does not mean that’s the government’s opinion. You need this thing called evidence. Give me a whistle blower, give me documents. Don’t give me one or two crazy people, there are crazy people everywhere and they aren’t representative of everyone.
Do you think that it’s America’s opinion that there are Jewish space lasers? Because MTG an American politician made that comment. Or that after rape you should get a shot of estrogen from the ER, that one’s from Ron Paul. Those must be America’s opinion according to the logic you’re presenting.
Also with regards to the safe zone issues. If that happened frequently you’d have an argument, and if it keeps happening that’s great evidence. But it’s not happened that much so it’s going to be really easy to argue that it was an accident, a misfire, broken communication etc etc etc.
Again, there are war crimes Israel has committed, if you take them to kangaroo court, you should come at them correctly.
People handle this situation like it’s a sporting event. Like one side can do no wrong and if you’re not in lock step with one side then you must be in full collusion with the other. Completely ignoring that one side is a terrorist organization that took over by force, the other side is an apartied government that’s perpetrated a siege for years, both have civilian deaths on their hands and caught in the middle are actual people that didn’t ask for this.
But yeah, thanks for your comment.
While I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. I don’t fully agree with it either.
Because what I’m actually stating is. Don’t charge a pedophile with murder, or don’t charge a murderer with child molestation.
Words and charges matter.
Think about it like this, since there’s no hard evidence that this is a genocide because of the legal definition. Israel is likely going to win this case. That means they can say they defended their actions in court and won, can’t we all agree that’s bad?
Charge them with what you can actually prove. They have committed war crimes, it’s just not likely feasible to prove this is genocide without a lot more evidence.
Don’t get me wrong, sure investigate it, make sure it isn’t. But…
Yes I would, I mean. There’s literally no evidence in that article. It’s just detailing a situation, a horrific situation that needs to stop. But there’s no evidence of genocide. Please again, provide evidence.
Yes, Israel has committed other war crimes and should be held responsible. But that’s not the argument.
Prove it was intentional and not a misfire, a problem with civilians accessing up to date information etc etc. Gaza is very small and very densely populated. You have to prove without a shadow of a doubt intent here. It ain’t gonna happen.
Again, you’d be better off taking Israel to court on war crimes you can actually prove. Ones that don’t require proving this intent.
That was my experience with Soylent, but huel works for me.