If this ends with russia sending the US cheap oil and american partisans blowing up refineries, I am going to need a new bingo card.
I hope this is a thunder run with good support troops following in to fill the gap. A big wedge here crimps russian logistics as it grows.
That’s a big point… when you degrade a battalion, you degrade (generally) the line troops. There are support troops, admin, logistics, etc associated that are not generally killed. A truck strike like those vehicles gets everyone.
The only thing that would cause deflation is innovation or reduced demand, and there’s not a lot of innovation in food, and everyone but anorexics seem determined to eat.
Such great art… support his patreon if you can!
He can change! He’s gonna take me to Paris, he said so!
Oh god, the stock market. Trying to trade open at 6:30am as a night owl is the worst.
Ejection is really bad on your spine.
Security guards don’t hang out with the CEO, although I am now enjoying the idea of a C-Suite executive retreat for sniper training.
“Julie, you’re INTJ… why don’t you snap off a few rounds and see if that makes you feel more outgoing.”
I wrote it. So…. It’s from here.
I’d like to start this post with a list of caveats. I’m not a femboy, or a furry. I’m not fighting in the Ukraine war. And the picture with the blue striped socks, kinda slaps. That being said, let’s get into the post.
I can see how furry and femboy culture would be detrimental to the russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian society tends to be against this culture… failing to recognize that with a furry, it’s full go all the time… these blokes haven’t seen an aderal prescription since putting on a fur suit. Failing to take advantage of the quick, hyper movements of furries, and their practice running on all four’s, is an asset the russian military would be wise to deploy in war. Whether they will… remains to be seen.
This is an orgy of evidence, and feels like an arrest stemming from some illegal surveillance or intel means, a pretend phone call, and planted evidence.
It feels so much like when the allies would crack japanese codes and send a patrol plane to find a target, and make an excuse to go for the kill.
You count on them for support, I’m guessing. The only way cleanly getting out is to be able to accept the consequence they may set of cutting you off if you fail to uphold their beliefs. This is a people problem, not a religious problem, and religious people are as bad as the next person.
They’re running the football beside the guard.
Not defending the westfall when it fell, that’s for sure.
Filmed in 1999 between oct and december. We are in the time of the 25th anniversary of the toe.
Train station alley in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Guy on the right once played a sitar with his penis.
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