• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024

  • bizarroland@fedia.iotoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comGig economy
    2 days ago

    You seem to think I have some sort of emotional investment in this and I can assure you that I do not. I’m saying that today’s reality is not tomorrow’s reality and that things can get better, which is a fact and not really up for debate.

    As to whether or not they will get better that very much is up to debate, but if you think that being condescending is proving your point then maybe you should take some time and think a little longer.

  • From what I understand they are still affordable, the cost savings is building it yourself and having the discipline and patience to be able to do something like that on your wages.

    Building a tiny home is a grueling and arduous task. There is nothing TurnKey about it.

    My cousin built one because his mom lent him some land to build it on and so far it has cost him about $10,000.

    That’s pretty good but he lives on a truck driver’s salary and he has a wife and a kid. He’s deeply in debt from his tiny house project and he’s almost done with it.

    Once he finishes he’ll be able to claw his way back up out of debt, which is good, but there are no TurnKey solutions that are also affordable.

  • bizarroland@fedia.iotoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comGig economy
    3 days ago

    I get where you’re coming from but in my ideal world we would all work gig jobs and they would provide us enough money to live at the very least at our current lifestyle.

    The 40-hour work week is a lie. It’s not needed anymore, and anyone who sits down for 4 hours and analyzes our current economic system would probably agree with me.

    You have gotten up onto a high horse about how I am flawed and wrong before checking whether I was on your side.

    Besides, the point you are making, while it has its merits, only touches on my point. My point is enjoy what you like. If you like overnight oats just go ahead and eat them.

    It doesn’t mean you’re a “peasant eating gruel”. It’s okay to like what you like.

  • bizarroland@fedia.iotoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comGig economy
    3 days ago

    Some people get a kick out of making you feel bad about anything and everything you enjoy by reframing it in the worst possible light.

    Oh, you bicycle to work? Enjoy breathing in all that carbon monoxide from the cars passing you and a greatly increased risk of dying due to a driver not thinking that you’re a human being. Hope you don’t cross a street and inconvenience a driver you selfish prick!

    Oh, you eat primarily vegetarian with only a little bit of meat? One, meat is still murder, you’re a prick. Two, of course you would mention it. Three, fuck you and your entire family and your entire gene pool you piece of shit.

    I could probably keep going but you get it right? Don’t let the things that you enjoy be taken away from you by people who are chasing clout and will say anything that they possibly can in order to get it.

  • Aside from what everyone else has said, one of the big leaders to this scenario is that the world has gotten so much safer and so much less violent and so much more accepting that people have to literally scrape the barrels to find something to be outraged about.

    We all of us know that the Republican playbook of taking rights away from people is a thing that is intended to target people and punish them for not adhering to the moral code of the people doing the targeting.

    But the fact that we can spend so much of our national resources on arguing over morality is a side effect of the world being so good that we don’t have to argue over worse things.

    I’m not attempting to apologize or forgive anybody for their stance, but it is true that we are arguing over whether or not it’s okay to have an abortion or whether or not it’s okay to be gay rather than whether it’s not okay to let have the country starve to death or whether or not it’s okay to kill everyone all the time always.

    I’ve said this before and I will inevitably say it again, human history is a pus filled boil on our consciences.

    The only way to fix it is to lance it and to deal with all of the pus. We are in the pus clean up stage of human history, and in time with enough constant patient care, it will get better.

  • You still pay taxes on that as well. It’s just the taxes are also spread out over the full time payout.

    If you take the cash option you’ll get about 50% of the total and then have to pay taxes on that, which federally will be something like 35% of what’s left, for a total of ~67.5% off the top.

    A good rule of thumb if you’re considering how much you would walk away with in America is to assume that before state taxes you would get about a third of whatever number is listed.

    For instance right now it’s like 550 million, you would walk home with about 190 million after taxes before state taxes.

    Your state will probably take another 15% of the total if your state charges state taxes, so if you live in a state tax state you would walk home with about 137.5 million, or a touch over 25% of the original total.

    Of course, your mileage may vary and you may have access to tax benefits that I am not aware of.

    If you end up winning a large lottery in America I highly recommend that you speak to a qualified financial planner and tax professional and not just trust some asshole on the internet.

  • I’m taking a nihilistic approach to it.

    I turn off the lights when I leave a room. I’m conscientious about my water usage. I recycle.

    When I find that a company is a mass polluter, I do everything in my power to not give them any of my money.

    I’m doing my part.

    The fact is every human being on the planet in their own personal circle could go carbon neutral and climate change would still happen because it is industrial processes and commercial shipping that are driving the great majority of carbon and methane release in the atmosphere.

    It’s not anything that you or I are doing, or rather, in the scheme of things what we are doing is negligible, easily absorbed by the natural cleaning processes of the planet like trees and algae and rain and time.

    Our current system has incentivized pollution. There’s no amount of personal choice that we as individuals can take to stop it.

    What we need are politicians who acknowledge the issue and who override the objections of the vocal minority to fix them even at deleterious costs to the economy.

    After all, can’t have an economy when the world is dead.