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Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • If we assume “half a day” is 4 hours, and 500 pounds. That’s 125 pounds per hour. Which isn’t the worst rate. Assuming it’s actually capped at 4 hours and we all know that if it’s your dad’s friend, this is not going to be a set and forget kind of thing. So that 4 hours quickly becomes 10. And suddenly you’re down to 50 pounds per hour. And then if it’s actually static and simple and good, you still have high odds of getting insane feedback demanding changes to make it worse. A motherfucking website would actually be the best option, but wouldn’t get you paid. At that point youre just doing it for the lols.

    But ultimately, this isn’t even about the rate or how much time this will take. this whole scenario depends heavily on the son here. Is the son unemployed and living in dad’s basement for free? Then yeah. Sorry, he should probably take any work he can get for any rate he can get. His dad gets a lot more say in how things work financially if the son is relying on him financially. But if the son is already working a full time job and living in his own house? Then no, I don’t care what the rate is. Don’t commandeer other people’s time. Don’t make deals that people haven’t agreed to. Come to me with opportunities, not demands.

  • bisby@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyz*Ackshually*
    3 months ago

    If we’re ackshually things, lets cover the references to the lake of fire in the bible.

    In revelations 19:20, there is the beast and the false prophet being tossed into the lake of fire.

    In revelations 20:9, a bunch of people are explicitly consumed by fire from heaven. Consumed, not burned forever.

    Then in revelations 20:10, the devil is added to the lake of fire with the beast and false prophet, and those three burn forever. But not the common folk.

    Lastly, in revelations 20:13-15, hades and death give up their dead, and people are judged. Bad people are tossed into the lake of fire, explicitly labeled as a second death, but not mentioned as being eternal torment.

    So in conclusion, the devil himself is spending eternity burning in the lake of “fire” (not lava or magma, nor is it underground, this is the apocalypse, this is happening on the surface of the planet that is being bombarded with heavenly shit), he’s not doing any torturing there. He is also not the one sending people there, and sinners don’t burn forever, they die when cast into the fire.

  • bisby@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzEquality
    3 months ago

    Both sides are being unbearably obstinate here.

    The teacher’s meaning is clear and the kid should just answer what is being asked, not what is being said. So the kid is in the wrong. If you’re smart enough to be this clever, just answer the question.

    The teacher says “You are wrong, failed” when the kid is technically correct, instead of clarifying the intent of the question. So the teacher is in the wrong. “Clever, but you know what I meant” solves the problem. “You get an A in math and an F in interpreting language”

    On the flip side, I had a cousin who had a question on a test: “What is the largest SI prefix” … he answered “yotta” (which at the time was the largest)… And got it wrong. because the “correct” answer was “mega”. Because that was the largest the class had learned about at the time, and the teacher was very inflexible on this; they acknowledged that yotta was the largest, but my cousin had learned about it outside of class, so it couldn’t be an acceptable answer. The teacher couldn’t possibly fathom marking “mega” right for students who had only context from the classroom and also marking “yotta” right for students who had done independent research. No, the question was IMPLIED to be “what is the largest SI prefix [that we have covered in class]” and anything else was wrong.

  • bisby@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzPizza Pizza
    4 months ago

    An epoch is a geological age and not a specific time span. So “65-145 Mya” (million years ago) would be the appropriate label. I can’t seem to find a label for “million years” (other than megaannum, which is just an SI prefix for years, but I don’t think Ive ever heard that used?)

  • You’re right. There are multiple definitions of the word stable, and “unchanging” is a valid one of them.

    It’s just that every where else I’ve seen it in computing, it refers to a build of something being not-crashy enough to actually ship. “Can’t be knocked over” sort of stability. And everyone I’ve ever talked to outside of Lemmy has assumed that was what “stable” meant to Debian. but it doesn’t. It just means “versions won’t change so you won’t have version compatibility issues, but you’ll also be left with several month to year old software that wasn’t even up to date when this version released, but at least you don’t have to think about the compatibility issues!”

  • Debian aims for rock solid stability

    To be clear, Debian “stability” refers to “unchanging packages”, not “doesn’t crash.” Debian would rather ship a known bug for a year than update the package if it’s not explicitly a security bug (and then only certain packages).

    So if you have a crash in Debian, you will always have that crash until the next version of debian a year or so from now. That’s not what I’d consider “stable” but rather “consistent”

  • bisby@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyza very emphatic answer
    4 months ago

    I hate how these things always come up because “order of operations!” It’s mostly people who are bad at math remembering one topic they struggled with and finally got right, and now they know it’s a touchy subject so it will drive engagement. It’s the modern equivalent of “Mathematicians hate this one secret for solving equations! Click to find out!” Pure engagement bait.

    But in all the engineering ive done, things never really come up like this. If there is any potential clarity issues, parentheses would be used, or it would be formatted in a way that makes it much more clear.

    40 - (32/2), or 40 - ³²⁄₂ has no clarity issues imo. You don’t even have to think about order of operations because 32 halves is a number on its own. it isn’t an “operation” to do necessarily, it’s a fraction to reduce.

    And yes, I get the joke. The joke is making fun of the engagement bait of “some people will get the order of operations wrong!”

    The joke

    (40 - 32)/2 = 4

    If you stop here, you used the wrong order of operations. This is where the the fights normally start in the replies.

    but the kid said “4!” not “4”

    40 - (32/2) = 24 = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 4!

  • From the neovim 0.10 changelog:

    ‘termguicolors’ is enabled by default when Nvim is able to determine that the host terminal emulator supports 24-bit color.

    So for me, i previously had vim.cmd.hi 'Normal ctermbg=none' as the method for disabling the background. But now, nvim was deciding to use gui colors for the terminal, and I was only setting terminal background to none.

    The options are:

    • vim.cmd.hi 'Normal ctermbg=none guibg=none' (also none out the gui bg)
    • vim.cmd.hi 'Normal bg=none' (flat unconditional bg none)
    • vim.opt.termguicolors = false (just disable the now enabled by default function to go back to terminal colors)

  • IMO it doesn’t matter. People don’t read news on updates. Should they? Yes. Do they? No. Should they have to? Also no.

    Linus’s point is to never blame the end user for something the kernel changed. If you want software to have widespread adoption, adding homework to simple updates isn’t how you do it. People don’t want a hobby or something to babysit, they want an operating system. Debian will go out of their way to make in-release updates go as smooth as possible, but are willing to through out entire parts of functioning packages between releases.

    But this isn’t even about breaking things for the end user. This will create excessive amounts of noise on the upstream repo. People will say “Hey! My keepassxc broke!” and they report it to keepassxc, and not to Debian. To which keepassxc just has to constantly reply “no, debian changed this on you, this is not a bug.” If Debian had to deal with the fall out of their own decisions, I would say “yeah, im not sure if i agree with the decision, but oh well”… But they are increasing the workload for other teams.

    It is already happening. The debian dev’s stance is “This will be painful for a year.” But it will be painful for keepassxc, NOT debian. The keepassxc devs asked them to not do this. Debian’s response might as well be “Im inflicting this pain on you, even though you’ve asked me not to. But on the plus side, it won’t hurt me at all and it will only last a year for you.” If they really have that much disdain for the project, they should just stop packaging it altogether.

    So yeah, debian has the legal right to do whatever they want because keepassxc is open source. but “just because I can, and you cant legally stop me, and its extra work for you, not me” is kind of a jerk move. This is what drives FOSS contributors to get burnt out and abandon otherwise good projects.

  • It’ll also break all your keepassxc plugins soon. Because debian version to version compatibility is not a priority. They also don’t care if them breaking something triggers a ton of upstream bug reports, because it will only “be painful for a year”

    Linus for the kernel has a strict “don’t break userspace” policy, and Debian has a “break things whenever you want, and just blame the user for not reading the news file” policy.

  • Oh look. Debian changed the keepassxc package and now the keepassxc repo is getting all the bug reports for it. Their stance is “it will go away in a year or so”

    Regardless of whether or not it is a good idea, it’s undeniable that Debian makes a lot of decisions that negatively impact their upstream. And since it’s someone else’s problem, oh well.

    There is a reason upstream repo maintainers wind up angry about problems that someone else caused.

  • bisby@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devAI Suggestions
    4 months ago

    too lazy to type this obvious thing in?

    This has been the thing for me. I get really bored and lose focus when doing all the obvious repetitive stuff. And the obvious stuff is the stuff I find copilot does best. For anything that requires thought I’m engaged. Those are the fun parts of the job. It lets me do more of the fun part.

    The one major downside that I’ve found is that sometimes I just want to tab complete a long variable/function name, and because of copilot i dont have “old style” tab completion anymore. (I could definitely still handle this myself, but i haven’t)

    edit: this all to say that I don’t use copilot to write code that I don’t know how to write, I use copilot to write code that I’ve written 1000 times before and don’t want to write again. Copilot does a good job of looking through all the open files for context to help make sure the suggestions actually fit into the codebase’s pre-existing style.