I appreciate this. Can I have a listen? I also make music… Sometimes.
I like code.
I appreciate this. Can I have a listen? I also make music… Sometimes.
Having lived in Kansas for 4 years… No. Kill me. I refuse to ever again.
TRS 80 sans disk drive. My school library and local library had BASIC programs in the books. I’m now a SR Software Engineer. Wild. My first phone couldn’t even text… Whatever it was.
Are you me?
Tandy… Kings Quest. So good. California Games. I miss how simple life used to be.
I have a drone on offer up and some fool tried to convince me to trade for a flame thrower. Wtf am I going to do with a flame thrower? I guess I could vanquish my enemies… If I had any. People are weird.
In the immortal words of NOFX clams have feelings too.
No. Tech is cheap. Don’t sell yourself short.
Welp time to watch The Never Ending Story. Falcor 🫀
I was told as a child that the crunch was dead ants. Why any adult would ruin fig newtons for a kid is beyond me.
I like you.
sudo apt-get purge java* good lord what a simple thing to avoid. I was pretty green at work during the time :(
Effin knew it
But I love potato salad. It’s delicious.
Won two three MUAHMAHHAHA. You know what I miss? Youreakas Castle my Jam.
But it’s so sexy. Strongly typed language? *Scoff
Every time I use the bathroom.
:( oh noes
We don’t speak of the war.