When you know how rockets and jet engines work, because someone explained it to you but nobody explained how car works, people might just apply that knowledge to cars.
People expect that others are born with knowledge or that it magically appears in their brains. Its not that op is retarded, its his parents that forgot to teach his son some basic stuff. When I see memes with how bad the current generation is, they forget its not the fault of the generation, its the fault of the parents. When they don’t teach their children that, how should they do it?
Its not about knowing everything. You can know a lot but don’t have the skills. Cisco doesn’t make cheap products and screwing it up, it not good. Especially it can be easily done at the factory. Its not like it would cost them much more. I can get a holder for like 0.50 to 1€ per piece. There you must subtract 19% VAT and think in bigger quantities. On a per device basis, its not adding much.
They do this, because it adds up and they can save a lot of money. They make more money when a customer pays for a replacement or when a customer screw things up and needs to buy a new device. Its not something companies should be allowed to do. Also it would be even better if we don’t need to tell companies what they should do and they do it themselves. In fact a lot do this, because it doesn’t add much to the total cost of one device, but it makes the product better.