The accident was the drunken driver.
The fact that they couldn’t get to the trapped victims was the Cybertruck.
I’m not sure which part of this is confusing.
My Dearest Sinophobes:
Your knee-jerk downvoting of anything that features any hint of Chinese content doesn’t hurt my feelings. It just makes me point an laugh, Nelson Muntz style as you demonstrate time and again just how weak American snowflake culture really is.
Hugs & Kisses, 张殿李
The accident was the drunken driver.
The fact that they couldn’t get to the trapped victims was the Cybertruck.
I’m not sure which part of this is confusing.
I know techbro. I know cryptobro. What’s a coswallopbro?
Who’s this “we” person?
I deleted my then-Twitter account before Musk was even in the running to buy now-Xhitter.
(I’d also deleted my Farcebook account long before that even.)
Maybe we should restrict ourselves to when the Apartheid Manchild isn’t (re)tweeting fake news.
It would be a lot less typing that way.
Huh. It’s almost as if I already said that.
And linked to the instructions for the Model Y.
And already pointed out that they’re well-concealed which is not what you want for an emergency.
The free speech absolutist gets upset when people don’t want to talk on his platform.
So they bought whatever “this” is while Apartheid Manchild was still in the womb?
The Manchild has never been a decent, normal human being. (The upbringing he received at the hands of his creepy father prevented that from being possible.) He was always what he is now. He just wasn’t rich enough to not care if people found out.
This is something that can be addressed with owners, but what about passengers? Should they be carrying one around?
How 'bout Tesla just makes fucking mechanical door handles again?
There’s nothing concerted about it. I point and laugh at anybody wearing a four-wheeled prosthetic penis.
Feels like “looking to be offended at all costs” to me here.
The difference is that Ben Shapiro is a no-influence kind of dude even in the circles he grifts. The Apartheid Manchild has a tragic amount of power and influence.
The real insanity is that for all practical purposes there is no “far left” in the USA. The “leftist” party would be considered a centre-right to full-right party in almost any other civilized nation in the world.
I don’t think they’re legally considered human beings once dead. 🤣
Probably not even within the next five decades. Possibly not even within the next ten.
Well I pointed to one already: the numbskulls in charge of space programs can’t even return us to our closest neighbour (about 400,000km) so thinking they can get us to Mars in the foreseeable future (an average of 225,000,000km, so about 550× the distance) is ludicrous.
At the rate things are going we won’t be standing on the Moon again by the end of a purported Trump term, not to mention Mars, just based on distance alone.
But this isn’t even what I’m actually talking about. I’m talking about how badly people underestimate the difficulties of a trip to Mars. Here are some (and only some!) of the issues:
There’s also one more reason to be certain that getting to Mars is not going to happen anytime soon and that colonizing Mars is a pipe dream that will literally never happen: going back to the topic of this board, the Apartheid Manchild is soundly convinced it’s just around the corner. Like his Hyperloop. And his full self-driving. And his solar panel factories. And his … you get the picture. The fact that this twat, of all people, is the biggest cheerleader of visiting and colonizing Mars should tell you just how implausible the idea really is.
P.S. Keep downvoting the truth away, children. It won’t change the fact that if you’re alive now you will almost definitely not see any kind of semi-permanent human presence on Mars and you likely won’t even see a human landing on Mars. “Click-click-clickety-click” doesn’t change harsh reality. You can’t vote reality away!)
Nope. He won’t even be able to get humans onto Mars. Not in four years. Not in 20 years.
The technical hurdles are insurmountable with any technology we have today. It is impossible, period, for humans to be landed on Mars in four years. It is impossible, period, for humans to have a semi-permanent settlement on Mars in the lifetime of anybody alive.
Going to the Moon, our closest neighbour, is child’s play in comparison to going to Mars. And look how well getting humans back to the moon is going…
They seem to honestly believe that Musk will get human beings to Mars before the end of Trump’s next term (under the assumption he has one).
I’m sorry. This won’t happen in Trump’s next term (assuming he has one). This won’t happen in my lifetime. This won’t happen in the lifetime of anybody currently over the age of 20.
MAYBE someone who was born today will see human beings land on Mars.
MAYBE the grandchildren of someone born today will see human beings build something semi-permanent on Mars.
Don’t waste your breath on the Apartheid Manchild servicers. Especially the ones who can’t read.