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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • Yeah. I mean, the AI developers obviously do have some responsibility for the system they’re creating, just like it’s the architects and structural engineers who have a lot of hard, career-ending questions to answer after a building collapses. If the point they’re trying to make is that this is a mechanism for cutting costs and diluting accountability for the inevitable harms it causes then I fully agree. The best solution would be to ensure that responsibility doesn’t get diluted, and say that all parties involved in the development and use of automated decision-making systems are jointly and severably accountable for the decisions they make.

  • The continued polytopia mentions just keep reminding me of this take from Dave Karpf. Like, he’s not talking about incredibly deep games here (no offense to the people who love them) and in the context of him trying to take on the reigns of Presidentissimo or whatever all the arguing and doubting about his gamer cred is obscuring the arguments over how weird this is to try and focus on. Like, if he was trying to claim he was a Go all-star or something that would be one thing. Even Chess has tradition behind it, even if it’s actual utility for learning more general strategic thinking is more questionable. But Polytopia and Diablo? Really? If we did start apportioning political power to whoever can execute a basic strategy while clicking as fast as possible I think we’d all be bowing down to God-Emperor Flash or something.

    Anyways, even if we put my unearned strategy gaming elitism aside this is such a dumb argument to be having in the first place and I don’t know that I can forgive Elon for making it part of the problem.

  • I’m sure I’m not the first to note it, but there is a kind of irony in Scott and the gang using such a clear example of a motte-and-bailey argument (got to find a better phrase for that. Maybe some pithy reference to Patton at Calais to maintain the history theme? Inflatable Tank Defense?) in regards to IQ. When talking among friends they treat IQ tests like they are a strong correlate with innate intelligence, no caveats. As such IQ test scores are a reason to ignore environmental factors and not bother investing in equity-minded interventions. But when someone makes the obviously racist conclusion too visible, the argument shifts to be about how actually the correlations between IQ and environmental factors are obvious and really this supports anti racism. It’s a straightforward form of decontextualization that relies on completely ignoring the entire history and contemporary arguments around IQ to defends a single data point. Of course once everyone agrees with that data point they can go right back to the wildly racist nonsense that they were doing in the first place.