“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

-George Bernard Shaw

  • 69 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I recall reading the Sagan’s Demon Haunted World and the section dedicated to this “phenomenon”. The self convincing and conviction to these events was pretty amazing to read about from a curiosity prospective. The letters he would receive were pretty far out there.

    My matter of fact father swears late one night while grading logging roads in a remote area in the 70s, he saw a big bright light in the sky that he couldn’t explain and it moved in ways he didn’t expect.

    Being out in the wilderness I’m sure it wasn’t a comfortable situation for him. I still wonder what he saw but thankfully there was no accompanying abduction story to go with it in his case. These types of stories and shows did get his a attention forever after as a result.

  • It’s been said the pain of the bamboozle is too much for most to acknowledge so they continue to double down on it. The great grifters and conmen know this and use it to their advantage.

    Many think it’s only the stupid and uneducated that are taken in by these scams. At times it’s the tribal nature that we can get caught up in.

    Often the educated are worse off as they know better and the grave injury to their egos won’t allow them to announce to others they have fallen victim as it’s pretty embarrassing. They take their lumps and move on with their lives if they do recognize they have fallen into these traps.

    It’s going to be many years before we get to the other side and then I wonder if it will be like what the Spanish referred to as the Miracle that occurred when Franco died.

    After decades in power, the citizens that fought for Franco and supported him ceased to exist. When asked everyone fought against Franco in the civil war and they secretly fought against him at every level of society, government, and the military. It was miracle how he came to power and won a war with no support from anyone at any level within Spain.

    If we ever get past the identity association of team Orange it will be interesting who is found to still be supporting this current day madness especially among the religious groups that support a man that displays so many of the things many of the regular members would be chastised for…

  • We are seeing this in full effect from the opposition party in Canada. They don’t have a platform or anything except they aren’t Justin Trudeau. That’s all they have but it’s working as in Canada we vote out governments of power, and not into power.

    The current government has been in office for 8 years now and much like Biden is at fault for so many things in the world, our guy is too. At times I lose the thread on which one is a fault though… But yes I’m assured he’s to blame for everything wrong in their lives…

  • I’ve been becoming irritated lately with search in other apps being taken over by their flavor of AI. I use the Microsoft Swift keyboard on my phone and it’s now trying to inject their AI search results over my Google searches in Firefox and the results take me to Bing.

    Then today I was watching a video on Instagram and the screen went off. I lost of the video as the app refreshed when I turned on the screen again. I tried to search for it but now IG search has been turned into a Meta AI search. It offers AI answers instead of the videos I was looking and it seems like it’s the only option.

    WTF are they messing up search across the platforms? Get off my lawn!

  • One of the saddest parts for his followers is they think they are getting that strong man that’s going to clean up all that is wrong in their books and make it like some rose colored memory of how good things use to be before the world become too complicated for them to handle.

    Trump isn’t coming in to do that kind of hard work, he’s doing it for the title, prestige, and the fact he “deserves” to be president, he should be president because he’s special.

    Not to say it’s all about his ego which it is, but it’s also pretty handy in his mind to help deal with his mounting legal issues while slow to play out but they are piling up like Everest.

    It’s unfortunate most won’t recognize the need for a leader to do the hard work of a true servant leader. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen one of those. Many will argue we’ve seen that in Carter and even perhaps despite his advancing years a little in Biden but most people have been turned against such presidents with soft skills willing to do the hardwork.

    They seem to want those with a finger on the button ready to blow up anyone that dares challenge the US. That’s another area Trump supporters will be let down in when it comes to Russia…

  • That’s pretty cool.

    It’s been awhile since I last used a iPhone 13 Pro Max for work but I do recall the constant announcements there with previous models when Apple would announce yet another great “new” feature for iPhone that Android users already had for a year or two at that stage.

    Samsung also made some good media campaigns on the announcements and used the lineups for new iPhones fairly well in their advertising.

    I will say I thought the iPhone 13 camera was pretty goof, the battery life was too, and within the Apple walled garden the texting of videos was nice. The overall user experience for me wasn’t a good fit. I like to browse the web without ads and watch videos without them too. Some of that can be done with a iPhone but it’s clunky and the web browsers are just safari.

    There’s other customizable options I prefer that I can do with Android that isn’t an option yet for Apple but I do know they will be able to at some stage.

    Overall the whole apple vs android has been great for consumers. If it wasn’t for the competition between Apple and the Android products neither group would be as far along.